Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

TEMPLE HINDU SADON patterned in Magetan

LOCATION OF TEMPLEThe temple is located in the hamlet Sadon Sadon, Cepoko Village, District Panekan, Magetan, East Java Province, which is next to the highway-Panekan Magetan. although the name of the temple is a temple Sadon, which is the name of the village is located, but the local people call it by name Reog Temple, as the ruins of the temple there Sadon Kalamakara, Kala giant statue that looked like a tiger's head on dhadhakmerak. Dhadhakmerak which is decorated with a tiger's head mask bulumerak arrangement around it. This mask is the character attributes in the arts reog Singabarong. Dhadak peacock mask the overall weight of 30-40 kg is usually worn by the dancers Singabarong. This temple is a relic of King Airlangga, but it was unknown exactly when and for what the temple is rebuilt.
In 1966, the stones of the temple was destroyed by a group of people who are not responsible. In 1969, spearheaded as the Head of Development Sutaryono Magetan culture, held the realignment of the stones Sadon temple ruins. Among the ruins of the historical relics there Kalamakara statues, dragon statues, stone animal picture, former pedestals, yoni, and which is the corner stone of the temple. In addition, the area also has three inscribed stones. According Sarnu of History and Archaeology Service Magetan, writing in the three stone rings PA PA-A-KA-LA, SA DA KRA PA and BA-MA DA SA PA SRI-DA-BA-HA-LA. Of his writings or square-shaped beam, it is estimated that the inscribed stone came from the same period the inscriptions found in the hamlet Pledokan, Kediri, East Java.Then to the east of the temple complex Sadon, exactly in front of the village cemetery, there is a small temple called the Temple of RecA cow (cow statue), very small size of this temple. The temple is a Hindu temple was discovered in 1971 by Sudiro, the local population. When found, the temple is covered with bamboo groves. The temple consists of five RecA cow statue, which is stable RecA, RecA feed (cattle feeders), RecA Omben (drinking cow), RecA Capil (cowboy hat statue) and RecA forked (milestone tether strap where the cow). These five statues are believed to be the embodiment of herding cattle and equipment owned or Maesadanu Dadhung Awuk, shepherd figures in local legend.Heritage statues in DESA CEPOKO 

  •  In Mulyo hamlet northwest direction approximately 300m from the temple there are two relics sadon, while the band name, considering the place looks like a tub of water and no shower. While people interpret it decided where Brahmins give the holy water in religious ceremonies. 
  • northeast direction from the main temple there are also approximately 500m heritage stone that looks like the village Mulyo so the same function.
  • Next to approximately 800 m southeast of the temple sadon stone relics found again as above.
  • At a distance of approximately 100m from the temple of stone relics sadon again found his form and shape of the house cow. 
  • In the hamlet senok approximately 600m from the temple sadon or approximately 100m from the road-Magetan panekan penginggalan was also found, but this is a statue of a daughter who seems fine healthy, wise and graceful. This statue is very high artistic value, described a daughter who was sitting quietly, his hand holding a lotus and another pertolo / pitcher, who interpreted containing the water of life. This statue is called putrid or statue goddess statues (the goddess of life).
THE STORY OF THE COMMUNITY and FAITHpublic confidence that the temple sadon / Reyog temple attended by the spirits that guard named Dadung Kawuk a puppet as a shepherd in the story of the buffalo demon maeso danu. Because the name of the temple / statue Reyog, while Reyog it is the name of the folk arts of all forms of art around (reyog-tandak/ledek/waranggono) in order to be successful and get a windfall should first play at the temples Reyog or in the Java language Gladden there (Reyog temple), otherwise it would meet with misfortune or bad luck. Except that if they want to get the fortune / success of his work is in (on time) might not work sedaoat Reyog back to the temple. Believe / not is up to yourself but in general the rural hamlet sadon cepoko not want to look for both outward and inward riskNAME OF TRUST BY THE TEMPLE SADONAccording to the cultural, Sadon name comes from the word meaning asad Sad or not, Don was taken from the word ti ¬ padudon or not there is contention. Others have argued that Sadon name comes from the word 'Sadu'. Get an extra 'an'. Be ¬ ga Sehing Saduan. Sadu saduan means means peaceful and tranquil pat ¬ tem. End of its popular Saduan ¬ Sadon words that mean the place is serene. Starting from it, dae ¬ rah was once a safe and secure place. So ¬ da ancestors chose this place as the upstream tem to build a pat ¬ ¬ ¬ ah bu temple. The reason, building a temple requires physical and mental concentration that is full of Sang Hyang Widhi. And inspiration is not going to happen ¬ ca ¬ pies if the situation is calm.