Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

Learning Learning Elementary School

1.1    Background
Teaching skills in small groups and individuals this is not enough if only examined and studied theoretically, but it would be nice if the practice was ruled by either an peerteaching or apply them to rialteaching. Through practicing applying teaching skills in small groups and individuals create more confidence in the teaching of the double class. Academic activities can be improved by setting the time is good. With the exercise seriously ability teaching in small groups and individuals increased, so feel prepared to teach two classes if or more in the same time.
There are various skills teaching, but teaching skills in small groups and individuals are taught the basic skills of a very intricate and complex. The study of the theory in depth first, before practice and implement, very important thing to do. Mastery of teaching the others as well discussed in class learning units was executed.
2.1    The notion of teaching skills in small groups and individuals
In addition to individual students as well as social beings. As individual pupils can study independently. However, because the student is still in the process of ELEMENTARY growth and development as well as still in its early stages of thinking concrete (concrete operations) according to Jean Piaget, need help or guidance teacher. Similarly teachers in providing tutoring to intervene any media or props to be easy to understand good students in teaching individuals and small groups.
As social beings, students will grow and thrive in their learning if it is in a group. The Group learned that effective and efficient is the study groups in small quantities. Small group allows all members are actively engaged in learning, under the guidance of a teacher. Such a teacher is also easily able to drive well service or against the group. For that a teacher is required to have teaching skills in small groups and individuals.
Small group teaching skills is the ability of teachers guide students in learning in groups with a population ranging between 3 to 5 persons or 6 people at most for each group.
While skill in teaching individuals or individual instruction is the ability of teachers in guiding students in learning individually especially for students who are experiencing learning difficulties or problems. In studying teacher with students on an individual basis to determine objectives, materials, procedures and time spent in teaching having regard to the requirements or the differences of individual pupils.
An elementary school teacher should have the skills to teach small groups and individuals this is not intended to meet the needs of other learning students itself. The distinctive characteristics of each child was different from each other, either as individuals or live in his group. Teacher granted acting fair in providing services to study, not just roll out menyama (classical spatially) but should also have another alternative in efforts to pay attention to the needs of individual pupils. In addition to the individually different, there is also a small part of which has the same characteristics. Therefore learn together in small groups under the guidance of teachers is also more effective.
Substance teaching skills in small groups and individuals is the interpersonal relationships between the teacher and pupils and pupils with pupils. In teaching skills, pupils study according to the speed and capabilities of each. In addition pupils also got help from a teacher in accordance with the needs, and students were involved in the planning of teaching and learning activities.
The role of teacher in teaching small groups and individuals are as organizers of the teaching and learning activities, sources of information (resource) for students, for students to study motivators, and material providers (Facilitator) learning opportunities for students, mentors, and students learning activities as participant learning activities.
2.2 function of teaching skills in small groups and individuals
Tasks of primary school teachers are very different with the task of secondary school teachers. Elementary school teacher as classroom teachers have a responsibility to the management of a class in full, within the meaning of the early lessons until the end of the lesson. A teacher holds a certain class of ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in a certain time and in a long period. While the number of primary school teachers are usually equal to the number of classes in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Even many fewer than the number of existing classes. Although the number of teachers just as much by the number of classes that exist, but often face the problem of the absence or shortage of teachers at certain times. Therefore a teacher should have the skills to teach small groups and individuals, as a provision implementing learning multiple classes.
Small group and individualized instruction allows teachers give attention to each student as well as the more familiar relationships between teachers and pupils and between pupils with pupils. Sometimes students easier to learn from peers themselves, there is also a student easier to learn because of the need to teach or train your own friends. In this small group instruction to meet those needs. This allows students to learn teaching more actively, gives a sense of greater responsibility, the development of creative power and leadership qualities in students, as well as to meet the needs of students optimally.
A combination of small group instruction and individual giving opportunities for the achievement of the goal of teaching. Thus, the mastery of the skills taught in small groups and individuals is one of the essential requirements for any prospective teacher and professional teachers.
As for the reasons need to be mastered skills teacher teaching small groups and individuals as follows:
a. students basically have the ability and learning a different way. In teaching, the teacher pupil classical treat in the same way, so the difference in ability and how to learn students almost never get noticed. Learning needs to be done in order for the classical indeed disciples realize that not all needs can be met. However it must be sought or any other means that alternative students can also study in accordance with ability and the manner in which the chosen. Learning in small groups and individuals can meet these needs.
b. Teaching small groups and individuals allows the occurrence of personal relationships are more intimate and healthy between teachers with students and pupils with pupils. Teachers can give more attention on pupils who need it and can even make the students more confident.
c. sometimes students can more easily learn how to teach her friend or with how to learn with friends like chores together and exchanged opinions. Small group and individualized learning allows the occurrence of this.
d. Activities in small groups allows students engage more actively in learning, so students in learning responsibility also becomes larger. Working in the group allows students to build the habit of working together, and mutual respect tolerantly. In addition, the nature of leadership can develop due to work in groups need a group leader.
e. in line with small-group activities, individual activities or individual also has a variety of powers. With self-study, pupils will have a responsibility to learn, in addition to be able to learn to suit his needs. For example, if a student is able to solve problems such as calculating given teachers, he was able to direct the task as helping his friend, another crack problem harder, or studying in the library.
Learning in small groups and individuals to fruition in the form will be a variety of attitudes and values as well as the learning needs of students are met. The success of students in learning reflects the success of teachers in teaching.
Mastery of the teacher in teaching small groups and individuals will certainly add value. A teacher who teaches multiple classes will require more frequent forms of learning in small groups and individuals because he had to deal with more than one class. Teachers are not likely to apply classical learning on an ongoing basis as that may be conducted by teachers who teach only one class. Therefore, a teacher who also mastered the skill teaching classes should small groups and individuals, so that time academic activities can be improved.
Important the ability to teach small groups and individuals for teachers is a substance and the principle of the double class, i.e. learning keserempakan teaching and learning activities, high levels of academic activity time, teacher-student psychological contact on an ongoing basis and utilization
2.3 Organizing Variations
Use variations of organizing was intended to be a pupil of saturated and spared from feeling boring, which causes a feeling of lazy to appear. In organizing appropriate is not monotonous, repetitive, and annoyed at himself incited the pupils. Because of that variation is very important in organizing efforts to maintain and improve the quality of classroom instruction was executed.
Variations in teacher's organizing skills using various capabilities to realize the goal of learning and learners overcome boredom or burnout and raises interests, passions, and effective learning activities.
Variations include the use of an organized, multi directional interaction patterns that means between teachers, pupils and students with teachers or pupils with pupils. Variations include organizing, structuring space grouping students, and variations of the learning resource utilization.

a. variation of grouping students
In learning, the liveliness of the Group bottomed class is one of the keys to the success of student learning. So that teachers can enable groups of teachers should understand the basic principles of classroom instruction was executed.
Therefore if teachers want to activate the Group should hold a teacher preparation that is mature enough. Teachers should first understand in depth the goal to be achieved and the topics to be studied by students. Thus the teacher will be able to determine the steps that must be taken for the students, formulate the problem being the center of attention, discussion guide discussion group, and variations in patterns of interaction and activities.
In the execution of a duplicate grouping students learning classroom is a must in order to ensure the students ' learning process in order to remain effective. About grouping students study there are a few variations that can be selected as needed (UNESCO: 1988), i.e. the grouping of students on the basis of group learning, equality of capabilities, the ability of the mixture, the similarity in age, compatibility, and compliance needs of student learning. Each can be explained as follows:

1) based on group learning student Grouping
In this break-out group based on its class. For example, class III, class IV and class V, in one room. This means that in one room there are three groups/group of students according to its class. So pengelompok the departing administration status of students, and grouping more formal nature. Grouping like this makes it easy for teachers in recording attendance, assessment, and task settings, making it easier in administering the development. Review of treatment process of learning how to not give room for the utilization of abilities of students in a cross or cross-grade. In addition it could also happen to build the lurch togetherness in learning while on a when there are classes that their students just a few people are another class of their students quite a lot.

2 based on the similarity of this grouping of disciples) capability
The ability of students different from each other. Of the many students of course is their ability to more or less the same. Data ability of students can be obtained from test results or achievements of catatatan learning ability before. Depart from these test results are grouped into groups of pupils pupils above average, average, and below the group average. To carry out the grouping can be given the general ability tests (TKU) or the like since students entering PRIMARY SCHOOL or early years each. It can also be based solely or achievement of learning outcomes listed in reports relating to. Learning materials provided not packed according to the class but on the basis of that ability in accordance with the principle of learning has been completed or "masterylearning".

3 students based on ability Grouping) mix
Often we encounter class pupils who have in common the talents and skills in a variety of fields are needed to handle a project study. For example, "map", "making cooking a certain type of food with a menu", and do an experiment. It takes a number of students with different abilities, talents, and interests, within each group. In order for the project to learn it really can be dealt with together with restrictions on assignments according to the abilities, talents, and interests. These groups take advantage of differences in order to reach a common goal. This grouping is more temporary, according to your needs and learning objectives. In this group of outstanding students in the eyes of a lesson can help other students who lack the ability or low.
4 based on the similarity of this grouping of disciples) age
The students her age usually have the capacity and speed of learning that are almost the same. Pupils of a class can be broken down into age groups of pupils on the basis of equality. Organizing ELEMENTARY students especially in the grouping of pupils could be used temporarily as needed and s
2.4 the things that should be noticed in teaching small groups danPerorangan
In teaching small groups and individuals should pay attention to the following things:

a. Learning based individual differences
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL pupils individually different in many ways. Such differences include: different in thinking ability, characteristics, different emotionally, different power efforts, talents, and interests. Such differences need serious attention in the classroom learning the double entry. Tutoring service individually is very helpful for the students to develop and achieve optimal learning achievements. For example there are pupils who quickly and easily understand what is presented, there are unisex which are teachers-medium, and there are unisex which is a bit slow in arresting the subject matter. Good teachers will provide services specifically to students who are a bit slow catching subject matter. So in dealing with individual differences can be done through small group learning. For example, students who are less skilled as one group, or students who appear to be aggressive so one group, then provided tutoring services in particular. In this way also help improve social skills learning group siswamelalui.

b. notice and serve the needs of students
In class learning needs to be noticed and was executed in serving the needs of pupils. Pupils come from a family of latarbelakang indirect, realized or unconscious teacher has helped grow the integrated pupil flower for pupils are in all schools. For example, moral aspects of emotional, social, can be done through exemplary examples, how to foster patterns of teachers or pupils, said said. The role of teacher language aspects are clearly in the process of teaching and learning, the use of appropriate language level and the use of language development students are good and true. Tumbuh-kembang physical aspects mainly done by physical education teacher as well as by a classroom teacher through activities such as gymnastics, morning line up, great days of activity and so on. Example, all schools before the hour begins the morning gymnastics lessons conducted daily, except Mondays/ceremony. The school held a co-curricular activities in the form of sporting activities. Then each student was required to follow one type of exercise, which is given in the afternoon (extracurricular activities).

c. Maintains an active teaching and learning processes and effective.
It is featured in learning, not how teachers teach, but more importantly is how teachers teach so that students learn actively committing adan effectively. To enable and streamline the pupils studied in the process of teaching and learning, the teacher should also attempt to actively provide tutoring. Unlike the dikonotasikan passive or active pupil teachers an important disciple of his own teacher's activities are active not question. For example, when teachers give assignments, or discussion groups, teachers have always been in the middle of the group to provide guidance or assistance to pupils and students who pay attention to kekompok or have difficulty doing tasks.

d. Stimulates pupils tumbuh-kembangnya optimum abilities
Teachers as educators in the task of schools on the base of tumbuh-kembangnya is to help students optimally all aspects of development, i.e. both aspects of intellectual, emotional, moral aspect aspect, language aspects, social aspects, as well as physical aspects. All these aspects are the responsibility of the tumbuh-kembangnya teachers in all schools. Aspects of moral, emotional, social, can be done through exemplary examples, how to foster teacher or patterns of students of said words. While aspects of the role of language teachers clearly in the process of teaching and learning, the use of appropriate language level and the use of language development students are good and true. Tumbuh-kembang physical aspects mainly done by physical education teacher as well as by a classroom teacher through activities such as gymnastics, morning line up, great days of activity and so on.
e. shift from teaching classical kepengajaran smaller groups and individuals.
For teachers who are already familiar with classical instruction, we recommend starting with teaching groups, then gradually leads to the teaching of individuals. Whereas for prospective teachers should begin with individual instruction, and then gradually to teaching small groups. Not all topics or subject matter can be learned effectively in small groups as well as individuals. Things that are common as the briefing should be given general information in the form of a great class. For example, if pupils are required to prove that the boiling point of water is 100 ° C experimentally then preferably done in small groups or individual learning, but if students are required to understand a concept, principle, or theories about the solar system then it will be effective if pembelaja

2.5 Skills to plan and carry out activities of teaching and learning
Teachers in the learning activities such as open lessons, presenting the core activities, guiding learners and have evaluated these, should be regulated properly and in full seriousness. Is a plan or design teaching and learning activities in the classroom learning the double is a framework that describes the setup form throught the learning activities of students in the framework of the achievement of learning objectives.
The main task of the teacher is to help students do activities, either individually or in groups. For it to be able to make teachers planning learning activities teach that is right for each pupil, as well as being able to execute it and the group. To make a proper planning, teacher charged with being able to diagnose student academic abilities, understand the styles of teaching and learning, student interest, and so on. Based on the results of the diagnosis is expected to assign teachers and learning conditions in the form of demands for independent study, study, study activities Pack with tutorial peers, simulations, etc. all of which guide the pupils to live up to the experience of cooperating or working with his own direction.
The skills to plan and implement teaching and learning activities include:

a. Helping students set goal stimulates students to lessons and achieve those goals. For these purposes can be done with discussion or provide materials of interest, that is able to encourage pupils to achieve those goals. For example, to read, students can be asked to kanapa learned from reading it, or what is interesting from that book. But keep in mind, that the habit of setting goals for student learning diIndonesia have not been widespread, perhaps even unprecedented pupils who are given the opportunity to establish learning objectives. Therefore, as a teacher, needs to be started to provide an opportunity to the students to case (e.g. once a month) set learning objectives.

b. Planned learning activities teach alongside the pupil. Based on the results of the diagnosis of goal setting, teachers can plan the learning activities in accordance with the goals, interests, and abilities of pupils. Planning is made shall include the criteria of success, work steps, time, and learning conditions are required. For example, if you want to plan activities for class III and class IV, based on the results of the diagnosis require class IV, to tackle the problem-math problems from the book package for 30 minutes. Pupils who have finished their work with can match the key that is on the teacher. The answers are still wrong repaired by pupils. Class III, will be working in groups, beginning with each reading the discourse, and then discuss the answers given by the teacher. At the end of the lesson, each group reported on the outcome of the discussion.
In its application, group teaching skills in small groups and individuals each having a different pressure. Skills and activities organizing Guide and facilitate learning more associated with teaching in small groups, while conducting skills as well as personally planning approach and implement kegiatanlebih much associated with learning perorongan.
2.6 Skills Hold Personally Approach
Create intimacy and closeness between teachers and pupils grow relationships with affection and friendship so that pupils feel safe and comfortable. Personal approach is a way of addressing the teacher or pupil is showing concern for the sincere and honest. Teaching in small groups and individuals to require the occurrence of intimate relationships and healthy between teachers and pupils and between pupils and pupils. Relationships like this just might happen if the teacher is able to hold a personal approach. That teachers need to take notice and do things as follows; show warm attention, listen to the opinions of students, gave a positive response, create a trusting relationship, show a willingness to help pupils, a feeling of being open to pupils, and control the situation so that pupils feel safe. Each can be explained as follows:

a. Show warm concern
Attention in a warm, familiar, and fosters a feeling of friendly, willingness and desire to learn without feeling forced. Pupils learned with great joy, joy, and joy, because felt got the attention from the teacher. Students study with serious and concentrated on learning lessons, so that the results achieved will also be better. For the occurrence of these teachers can demonstrate the warmth and sensitivity to the needs of students both in small groups and individuals.
By showing the warmth and sensitivity to the needs and behavior of pupils, so that students always feel that teachers have always been with them. Although teachers are helping other pupil groups, but always felt that teachers know what they need and what they do. Students do not feel the eyes on because teachers always shows kehangatannya. As a teacher, try to keep that in mind is already able to show warmth and sensitivity. For example, if you're helping one group, because other groups are turning the Group restless or have yet to start work.

b. Hearing student's opinions
A good teacher, student opinions, not appreciating the overlooked and underestimated. But any what was delivered or the opinion of students taken in earnest. Listen in sympathetic ideas expressed by students. Needs pupil will award will be fulfilled. This growing need for self-actualization pupils, so that his motivation is increased. Especially intrinsic motivation is very important in the learning process, students and learning to achieve success.
Listen in sympathetic opinions expressed ideas of pupils. If a student should indicates the teacher speaks, an attitude that was indeed listening attentively what is expressed by students, it is important enough and got attention from the teacher.
c. Give a positive response
Give a positive response to the pupil's mind fruit. Positive reinforcement of response will provide for students to further improve its efforts in Excel and learn more enterprising. Students will have the courage to participate actively and creatively in learning.
Give a positive response to the pupil's mind fruit. Good teachers will always give a positive response to the fruit of the mind, regardless of how small pupils mind fruit. For example, if students ask questions wrong or the answer is very easy, not mentertawakannya, but the teacher encouraged him to refine his question, or find your own answers to these questions are easy. Try to think, how do I respond if when asked to talk about "mutual love within the family", one of his disciples said, "" I often pinched younger because of her mischievous ".

d. create a trusting relationship
Build a relationship of mutual trust for teachers is very important so that students want to reveal the difficulties or problems encountered. So teachers can assist students in finding the solution, and not get caught up in a complex problem. So the students can grow and develop optimally, and can achieve good study achievements.
Trust is something that deserves respect. If this belief is tampered with, the people will never again trust to us. Build a relationship of mutual trust between teacher and student teachers can do by way of verbal such as: "mother, Mother believes students can definitely solve problems; by means of nonverbal, such as patting his shoulder and approaching; and make direct contact with pupils.

e. Show a willingness to help students
Teachers must be able to demonstrate readiness to help pupils, so that students feel hesitant to ask for help. In particular the assistance service learning difficulties. At least students would like to ask if you're having difficulty in exercising soal or task, both class and outside class. Even if it is possible at home. Shows readiness to help pupils with no tendency to dominate or take over the assignment of pupils. This readiness can be shown in many ways, among others, came to the pupils who seem confused, responding to the questions students with great warmth, and indicate or provide learning resource needed by the students.

f. being open to the feelings of students
Accept the feelings of pupils with full understanding and open. The attitude of teachers against pupils who he feels should be accepted by revealing the heart land, and trying to understand the expression of feelings of the students. This attitude fosters the confidence of pupils against teachers. Thus the disciple assumes that teachers as a true friend and companion who can share feelings of aversion to.
Accept pupils with full feeling of openness and understanding. Understand the feelings of students is work that requires effort and sincerity of teachers. If the teacher is able to sense what was felt by students and then trying to respond in a sincere, teachers have succeeded in creating a relationship that is familiar and well. For example, when students feel uneasy because it forgot to bring homework, then with a shaky pass it on to the teacher, the teacher should be able to understand the feelings of those pupils and then give the appropriate response.

g. the situation of pupils so as to Control feel safe
During the learning process takes place the teacher trying to control the situation so he could were pupils feel safe, full of understanding, and can solve the problem at hand. If a student feels safe can also concentrate in learning. Instead pupils who feel misgivings, worry, or fear of not being able to learn properly. Even in its follow-up does not occur, even if the teacher learning do follow teaching.
Make an effort to control the situation of pupils feel safe, full of understanding, assisted, as well as feel feel to find an alternative solution to the problem at hand. The creation of the learning situation that is safe and fun for the students ability relies on support from teachers to implement a wide range of teaching basic skills. Give reinforcement appropriately, avoiding negative response, give clear instructions, firmly in the Act, is that businesses can do teachers in creating an atmosphere that is safe and fun learning.
2.7 Skill Organizes Activities
Regularity is essential in teaching small groups, therefore teachers must organise the needs for teaching efforts of the group. Organizing the activity has the meaning of design, manage, and control the activities of learning proper learning. During his teaching activities in small groups or individual progresses, the teacher acts as the Organizer arrange and monitor activity from start to finish. That teachers need to take notice and do things as follows:

a. hold a general introduction about the contents and background of learning activities to be implemented. Include the granting of general orientation on goals, tasks, time, way of work, place of work, and so on before the group or individual activity begins. Do I need to remember, semuapetunjuk or information that needs to be known to the pupils must be given before a group or individual activity begins. Similarly in the classroom learning the double entry. Before asking students to work in groups or work singly, they should already know what and how students should be working on that task.

b. Use a variation of activities as required. Vary your activities, which include the provision of rooms, equipment, and how to execute it. Vary your activities, for example in the form of observation, discussion of the results of observation, solve problems, make crafts, or self-study from books. Each type of activity must be prepared/sources perludigunakan, carakerja means, rules need to be followed, the workplace, as well as the allocation of time. Each group or individual can work on the same task, can also be different.

c. Joint grouping of pupils according to the purpose. This grouping of disciples formed precisely in order that learning objectives can be achieved by either. This grouping of students can be based on the seat, her ability (which is smart with a clever or mixed), or according to the desires of the (interest). Indeed, this grouping of pupils can be done in various ways according to your needs. Just think, what are the advantages and disadvantages if clever pupils are grouped together pupils who were/are less smart.

d. Coordination activities. Do not forget to coordinate various activities that take place. In order for the activity since the end of activity from beginning to its position well and smoothly, without a meaningful constraint. Coordinate activities with how to view student progress from beginning to the end of the activity. In this way, teachers will be able to monitor whether tasks are done correctly or whether students need help.

e. Give attention to the variety of tasks given. Good teachers will also divide the attention to a variety of tasks and needs of pupils. These skills are certainly tightly once with attitude perceptive and sensitive to the needs of pupils, so the condition/students always feel that teachers have with them, because of the help that they need always be given at the right time.

f. Try to at the end of the activity there is always false. In the end the activity with a report on the results achieved by pupils. So that students gain an overview of the core points of the subject matter which is dealt with at. End the activity with a kulminasi the right pupil will allow mutual learning.  responding to the results of group work, demonstrating the results of the work, the examples of activities which allow pupils salaing kulminasi learning.
2.8 Facilitate Learning Skills Guide and
When everything has been set up properly, start teaching and supervising learn by carrying out be the skills appropriate to guide the pesertadidik in learning, especially with regard to the handling of trouble pesertadidik. To facilitate learning, learning pesertadidik is done in a systematic and using runtun or variation method, media or props.
In studying students require guidance and ease. Guidance function give way how pupils should learn something. Ease of learning functions provide an atmosphere that encourages pupils to improve their learning activities. This skill enables teachers to help students to get ahead without experiencing frustration. That teachers need to take notice and do things as follows:
a. Provide reinforcement against a good student behavior. By providing reinforcement to push forward or achieve better learning outcomes. Give timely reinforcement, so students are encouraged to learn better. Reinforcement given to be meaningful, warm, right on target, varied, and is given immediately after students demonstrated behavior (response, tasks, etc.) is expected.
b. supervision process and be responsive to the initial state of the pupils. Teachers can develop supervision process early, i.e. attitude perceptive teacher against pupil both individuals as well as groups which allows teachers know everything went smoothly according to which faced. When pupils start working in groups or self-employed, the teacher States that all pupils have understood its job and start working. Therefore, teachers need to be around to see if the student has already started to work or if it is necessary to help students or groups that confusion
c. supervision process. Provide appropriate learning support needs to learn more. Hold a further process supervision focuses on emphasis and the granting of assistance when events take place. After the groups or individual students work some time, teachers need to give help get around back for pupils who need. For that teacher should be able to interact with students, so that the assistance provided is quite effective. Interaction in the form of this aid may be made in the following forms:
• Provide additional lessons or tutoring (tutorial). For example for the concept/topic that is elusive.
• Involve themselves as active participants of a group that has the same rights and obligations as a member of another group. The presence of the teacher in the group will encourage pupils to be more active.
• Lead the discussion kelompokkecil, if needed.
• Act as the word lisator, which increases the ability of students to think/learning through questions, comments, and suggestions.
• Conduct the supervision of Scouting, which aims to assess the achievement of the purpose of the activity as well as alerting to follow activities end. Stabilization of activity invent against small groups and individuals. Hold the concentrated supervision Scouting assessment of achievement of the purpose of perhatianpada a wide range of activities that prepare summary and dilakukandalam order so that the stabilization of muridsaling learning and gain a thorough insight. This group came to dilakukandengan, assessing his progress, and preparing them to follow the end of activity an effective way. To remind students of the time mean iniialah that is still left to complete the task.
2.9 the skills to plan and carry out activities of teaching and learning
Teachers in the learning activities such as open lessons, presenting the core activities, guiding learners and have evaluated these, should be regulated properly and in full seriousness. Is a plan or design teaching and learning activities in the classroom learning the double is a framework that describes the setup form throught the learning activities of students in the framework of the achievement of learning objectives. The main task of the teacher is to help students do activities, either individually or in groups. For it to be able to make teachers planning learning activities teach that is right for each pupil, as well as being able to execute it and the group. To make a proper planning, teacher charged with being able to diagnose student academic abilities, understand learning styles, interests, and so on. Based on the results of the diagnosis is expected to assign teachers and learning conditions in the form of demands for independent study, study, study activities Pack with tutorial peers, simulations, etc. all of which guide the pupils to live up to the experience of cooperating or working with his own direction.
The skills to plan and implement teaching and learning activities include:

1. Assist student goal setting lessons and stimulate pupils to achieve those goals. For these purposes can be done with discussion or provide materials of interest, that is able to encourage pupils to achieve those goals. For example, to read, students can be asked what it is like to learn from reading it, or what is interesting from that book. But keep in mind, that the custom setting learning objectives for students in Indonesia is widespread, perhaps even yet there has never been a student who was given the opportunity to establish learning objectives. Therefore, as a teacher, needs to be started to provide an opportunity to the students to case (e.g. once a month) set learning objectives.

2. planning for teaching and learning activities with pupils. Based on the results of the diagnosis of goal setting, teachers can plan the learning activities in accordance with the goals, interests, and abilities of pupils. Planning is made shall include the criteria of success, work steps, time, and learning conditions are required. For example, if you want to plan activities for class III and class IV, based on the results of the diagnosis. Request a class IV to tackle problems such as the book of mathematics package for 30 minutes. Pupils who have finished their work with can match the key that is in the table of teachers. The answers are still wrong repaired by pupils. Class III, will work wdalam of the group, beginning with each reading the discourse, and then discuss the answers given by the teacher. At the end of the lesson, each group reported on the outcome of the discussion. Based on this example, try making Your activity plan
for two classes that you should double.

3. the Act or acts as an advisor for students when necessary.During the activity, students may experience a range of difficulty. Teachers can give proper assistance if the teacher is able to interact effectively with pupils, so that students want to express the problem is. Then, the teacher can advise/advice approximately can direct students towards learnt better. For example, if there are students who are not able to find the meaning of the word itself, He can be advised to re-read that sentence using that Word, see dictionaries, or ask a friend.

4. Help students assess the achievements and his progress on his own. This means provide an opportunity to the students to repair itself which is cooperation with teachers in the education situation humane. In general the progress/achievement assessment of pupils
performed by the teacher. Students never even been involved in assessing the himself. Therefore, you have a good chance
to begin to assess his progress on his own guiding students. For Example, After completing and reporting on peker-jaannya, then taken by another group, you can ask the Group estimating his success and set the grain needs to be fixed return. Or students who are self-employed are required to match his work with the key, and then requested to calculate its accomplishments.
If You do it this way on a regular basis, will be used to assess student his progress and compelled to pursue its own shortcomings. Of the four groups above skills you can follow that teaching in small groups and individuals to require the mastery of skills
that is quite complex. You need to master the basic skills teaching previously, namely, strengthening the skills asked give, hold a variety, explained, open and close the lesson, group discussion guides small, and manage class. In its application, group and small group teaching skills individuals each having a different pressure. Skills organizing the activities as well as guide and facilitate learning more many are related to teaching small groups, while conducting skills as well as personally approach to plan and carry out activities
more associated with learning perorongan. After reading it carefully and work on small exercises presented above, now it was time to do exercises following Your your understanding of the skills taught in small groups and individuals be more steady.