The temple is located in the village Gentong Jambumente, District Trowulan, Mojokerto district. The temple is located very close to the Temple Brahu, a distance of approximately 300 m. so the temple can be seen from the temple Brahu Gentong. Gentong temple is one of the three temples in the area. The temples are found in the area, Gedong Temple, Middle Temple and the Temple Gentong itself. The temple is lined with the direction of west to east longitude. Of the three temple buildings which are still visible Gentong Temple, Middle Temple and the Temple while Gedong has not looked back.
Efforts to preserve the temple Gentong done for six years, and which reveal the structure hasilanya Gentong Temple I and Temple II Gentong (Kusumajaya, et al, 25). I Gentong temple has unique characteristics that have never previously encountered on ancient buildings. Gentong Temple building has three square berdenah structure. However, the three elements of the structure appears to have experienced vandalism, because on the south side wall, unbroken stukturnya on one line. Although the structure of the III is already closed, but closure of this structure using the stacking pattern and the system is different from previous patterns in the original building. Outside the structure is still too ditemuai structures IV and V. On this structure using the species of the installation of brick clay.
Gentong II temple has a square floor plan and building size 7.10 x 7.10 m. The building is surrounded by other buildings based on the remaining structure. The buildings are numbered as many as seven to eight facing directions of the compass except the north. In whol building has a size of the temple buildings Gentong II 18.5 x 18.5 meters. Gentong Temple building that could be found only the legs and sumurannya only.
The temple is found in the village was named Temple Jambumente Gentong since that time this temple was found buried under mounds of earth piled ynag and form barrel-shaped. But there is no definitive explanation why it happened. Gentong temple was built during the reign of King Hayam Wuruk. This temple was built to commemorate uapcara Sraddha, upaacara is done to commemorate Tribuana Tunggadewi Wijaya who is none other than his own mother of Hayam Wuruk. The purpose of this ceremony is to invoke the exercise of government welfare. Gentong temple is obvious evidence of tolerance among religions, namely Hinduism and Buddhism which can be coupled and gain recognition from the government.
According to locals, they believe that in the reign of the Majapahit Kingdom, Gentong temple was built as a place to bathe the dead body was later taken Brahu temple to be cremated. However, the bodies are brought to the Temple Brahu are the remains of the king.