Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

Candi Jawi

Candi Jawi        Candi Jawi temple is situated in the village of Wates, District Prigen, Pasuruan regency, East Java. Unlike other temples which are already changing the name of the place, circumstances, or taste that gives the name, Candi Jawi including one of the few temples whose name is virtually unchanged. In this temple Negarakertagama called Java-Java or Jajawi. The temple building is still intact can be said for many times undergoing refurbishment. Candi Jawi restored for the second time in the year 1938-1941 from the ruined condition. However, the restoration can not be accomplished because many stones missing and a new refined in 1975-1980.
In Canto 56 Negarakertagama stated that Candi Jawi established by order of the last king of the Kingdom Singasari, Kertanegara. Founding purpose was to place of worship for people of faith Shiva-Buddha. Raja mammal is a devout Buddhist teachings of Shiva. Aside from being a place of worship, Jawi Temple is also the place where the ashes of Kertanegara. Presumably it is because people in this area are very loyal to the king, and many who embrace the teachings of Shiva-Buddha. The assumption is based on the fact that when Raden Wijaya, son of King Kertanegara, fled after Kertanegara imposed by King Jayakatwang of bracelets (Kediri), he was hiding in this area, before finally fled to Madura.
The temple structure

Candi JawiCandi Jawi occupies a wide area, about 40 x 60 m2, surrounded by a brick fence as high as 2 m. Entrance of the temple faces east, while the other buildings in the complex facing west. The building of the temple is surrounded by a moat which is currently adorned by lotus flowers. Height of this temple is approximately 24.5 meters with a length of 14.2 m and 9.5 m wide. Tall slender shape with a roof whose shape is a blend between the stupa and a tapered composite cube at its peak. Temple ox is one of two temples and the location is somewhat out of character positions temples scattered relics of Majapahit in East Java. This temple is facing west, but in the opposite direction, ie to the east. Candi Jawi position facing east, back to Mount Pananggungan, strengthen the notion some experts that this temple was not a place of worship, because the temple for worship is generally facing toward the mountains, where dwell the gods. Most of the other experts remain convinced that the Jawi Temple serves as a place of worship. The position of the door facing the mountain that is not considered to be due to the influence of Buddhism. In the perspective of the current Hindu belief in Indonesia, which allowed the two directions is just the sun rising and setting, which is east and west in the context of the construction of the temple as a place of worship. The sun rises as a symbol of life and the sun sank as the giver of meaning and where again all life.
One of the unique Candi Jawi is a stone used as building material composed of two types. Feet to the hall of the temple was built using dark-colored stone, the temple using a white stone, while the roof of the temple using a mixture of dark and white stones. Presumably this temple was built in two periods of development. Negarakertagama the book mentions that in the year 1253 Saka Candi Jawi struck by lightning. In the event the Supreme Aksobaya statue disappeared. The loss could make a sad statue of King Hayam Wuruk when the king visited the temple Jawi. A year after being struck by lightning, Jawi Temple rebuilt. During this period estimated to begin use of white stone. The use of white stone was also begs the question, as contained in the region G. Welirang mostly dark-colored stone. The possibility of the stones were brought from the north coast of Java or Madura.
The building of the temple consists of shelf, legs, body, and the roof of the temple. Batur decorated by reliefs on the outside of the temples in general, that usually reliefs in the temple depict the story of one of the teachings in the book / some particular belief in Jawi temple-reliefs relief even tell the circumstances surrounding Candi Jawi. Above the shelf there is a walkway that surrounds the temple, on either side of the stairs into the hall there is a makara. Makara is also found on the right and left of the stairs as well as the body temple. Body temple decorated doors and niches upon which there is time. In the chamber of the temple found the yoni and the sky-the sky there is a relief depicting the image of a glowing circle on a horse in the middle.
The roof of the temple is composed more and more smaller and eventually up to the top of the roof of a Buddhist dagobha / stupa. In the courtyard of the temple ever found statues that are siwaistis like a statue of Shiva Guru, Durga, Ganeca, Adhanari, Mahakala, Nandiswara and Aksobya. From the shape of the stupa at the top of the roof of the temple and statues ever found in the courtyard of the temple which is siwaistis, it is known that the Jawi temple of Shiva is a blend of Buddhist temples such as those mentioned in Nagarakertagama.
arsitekturFoot temple sits on a shelf (the foot of the temple) at about 2 m with a relief sculpture that contains the story of a hermit woman. Stairs up which is not too wide right there in front of the entrance to the womb Graha (the space in the temple). Intricate carvings left and right cheek meets the stairs into the hall. While the cheek from the hall to the stairs to the floor of the temple is decorated pair of long-eared animal statues. All around the temple there is a wide hallway. Plain door frame without the sculpture, but above the threshold are kalamakara sculpture, complete with a pair of tusks, lower jaw, as well as ornaments in her hair, filling the space between the top of the door and the base roof. On the left and the doors are small niches where statues lay. Above the threshold of each niche are sculptured heads fanged and horned creatures.
Room in the temple is currently empty. Negarakertagama mention that in the chambers of the temple there is a statue of Shiva with Aksobaya in the crown. In addition it also mentioned a number of statues of the gods Shiva in the trust, such as statues of Mahakala and Nandiswara, Durga, Ganesha, Nandi, and Brahma. None of these statues are still in place. Candi Jawi is not a place of worship or places of worship. This temple is a place where the ashes of the last king Singosari, Kertanegara. Some of the ash is also stored in the temple Singosari. Both of these temples has to do with the temple which is a place of worship Jago Kertanegara. Form legged Shiva temple, berpundak Buddha. Tall slender shape such as Prambanan in Central Java, with a size of 14.24 x 9.55 meters wide and 24.50 meters high. In addition, in the barn behind the temple there are pieces of sculpture. In addition, there is a red brick fence as often found in buildings in the kingdom of Majapahit, as Rat Temple and the Temple in Trowulan Bajangratu in Mojokerto.
About a Residents Response
(The caretaker Candi Jawi)
Candi JawiJawi temple guides say, many who suspect Jawi temple as a place of worship or religious worship Buddha. Though actually Jawi temple of King Kertanegara ash storage areas. Outside the temple walls are decorated with reliefs, which until now still no one has managed to read it. Perhaps because the carvings are too thin. It may also be due to a lack of supporting information, such as from inscriptions or manuscripts. Negarakertagama the book that tells of this temple is quite rincipun did not mention the relief. According to the caretaker of the temple, the relief is to be read using the technique prasawiya (counter clockwise), as used in reading the Kidal temple reliefs. Still according to the caretaker of the temple, reliefs carved on the western edge of the map north wall of the temple area and the surrounding area. Between the rear courtyard of the temple which is quite extensive and well organized by the township population is limited by a small river. In the southern corner of the courtyard there are the ruins of buildings made of red brick. It looks like the building was once a gate, but no information could be obtained about the original form and function. Durga is now stored in the Museum Professor Tantular, Surabaya. Others are stored at the Museum Trowulan for security. While others still, like statues Brahmin, was not found. Might have gone to pieces. Removal of the statue on one side is right to avoid the theft. However, it can reduce the substance of history. Be incomplete. Statues moved from habitats to lose its historical value.
Source of Referral
Muljana, Slamet. , 2006. History Nagara Kretagama commentary. New York: 2006
Soekmono, R. , 2007. Introduction to the History of Culture Indonesia 2. New York: Canisius
Soetjipto. Of 1995. Culture history of Indonesia. New York: Teachers' Training College Malaysia
Thomas Wendoris
. , 2008. The temples are familiar with the archipelago. New York: Library Widyatama