Imam al-Ghazzali reminds the mukaddimah straightforward language in the book "Bidayatul Guidance". He said, "if someone is looking for science with the intent to just vigorous, seeking praise, or to collect the property, then he has run to destroy religion, ruin himself, and has sold the world hereafter." (Fa-anta saa 'in ilaa hadmi diinika ihlaaki Nafsika wa, wa bi bay'i aakhiratika dunyaaka).
Many of our friends when asked the school for what purpose? no other answer is to work. No wonder, because of the small knowledge we've given both of their parents or our teachers during school that we must learn to be diligent in high school scored so easily in the future to get a job. A variety of reasons for our friends in the demanding goals of science, which will surely lead to find a material or merely mundane. Moreover, the male sex. A man has an obligation to make a living as a form of responsibility of a husband to his wife and as head of household.
"The man is a leader for women, because Allah has preferred sebahagian their (male) on sebahagian another (female), and because they (men) have been spend of their property ...." ( QS. An-Nisa ': 34).
Knowing this, the man should be prepared early in the school that later took to get a job easily and get a steady job so that the salary earned is also high. So here, school or studying to be a means of working.
In addition, students learn merely to get their diploma course. Success and intelligence is measured by obtaining a job well established and abundant wealth. The result is that student learning tend to be pragmatic and halalkan every way. To get a diploma, for example, a student who purchased a degree or diploma. Learning is no longer to remove the ignorance, but want to improve social status. The next result, the emergence of leaders who led the style of pragmatic, materialist - though not a science.
In addition to prohibited seek power, wealth and rank in studying purposes, Muslims are also forbidden to argue with fools, or pride themselves in front of friends.
"Messenger of Allah., Says:" Do not learn the science for the purpose of competing and rival cleric, mocking the fools and human sympathy. Those who do so, their future was in hell. "(Narrated by Ibn Majah)
Kriteri-criteria objective studying
Hujjatul Islam imam al-Ghazali has said, people who studied there are three kinds: first, those who seek knowledge simply because they want to get the stock back to the afterlife. Second, people who studied with the intention of looking for something to prop up the worldly life, and the glory and honor position. Third, people who make the science as a means to increase wealth, glory, splendor with the position, pride-banggahan with many followers, admit clerics and do not feel the need to repent, because he regarded himself muhsinun (good people) (See Guidance Bidayatul).
O Brother ...
Of the three criteria above, we can know what is right in demanding science goals. Should as Muslims we have to straighten out the intention for what purpose I went to school for years? for what I am studying all these years?. When we return to Islam, the purpose of studying nature is to get the blessing of God Almighty., To worship Allah., To get the stock back to the next village. For what? Because someday humans will return to Allah. Creator and Controller of the Universe. Could be next year, next month, next week or tomorrow we take a life of God.
Typology of knowledge
Imam al-Ghazali describes the typology of science when studied, knowledge will be crystallized into two major phenomena, according to their intentions. First, science is learned is not because Allah (li Ghari lillah) has the characteristics of Zann and syakk (Doubt-doubt). People will be satisfied with the objectives of external, physical or material. As a result, anxiety arises in the soul: khawf (prejudice dread of the unknown); huzn; khusr; (narrowness of life, pain in self and sense, depression); hammam (concerned in the disaster that will befall); ghamm; 'usr; khasrah (sorry no sequel).
Second, science is learned simply because Allah (lillah). Knowledge will instill a strong i'tiqad pious hearts. So people with this intention has high spirits, not easily satisfied in the achievement of knowledge. The result is yaqin, breadfruit nafs (equanimity), khasyatullah (fear of Allah).
Therefore, the measure of the success of learning according to Imam al-Ghazali is not seen in the ability of generating wealth and honors of office, but the people who study, learn any science, either ulum al-din (shari'ah sciences) or science science, applied science, is said to succeed if he is increasingly aware of the responsibility on himself as a man and to God as the Creator, and feared him.
Essentially a single source of knowledge, which is revelation. Then in fact there should be no dichotomy between religion and science general knowledge. Both are means to reach Him. The purpose of science is the search for accessories and beautify the inner virtues to improve the quality of bertaqarrub to God. An emphasis on science, should be interpreted as set priorities, and priorities must be measured in terms of the interests of the world and the hereafter.
Therefore, it is very important for us to examine the concept of science scholars. Scholars we were rich with the philosophy of science, may we have an opportunity review the treasury 'gold' is. Amiiiin.
Minggu, 22 Juli 2012
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