Senin, 23 Juli 2012

"Nandi" relics of the Hindu Budha Century 4

Indonesia is known as a multicultural country. Indonesia in the state there are various tribes, various cultures, including different religions. Religions officially recognized by Indonesia is Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Catholicism. From 5 different religions, Hinduism and Buddhism was the first to go to Indonesia or who formerly known as Nusantara. The entry of Hinduism and Buddhism brought a great influence on the development of social life in the archipelago.
According to the evidence that has been found, Hinduism first entered the archipelago is in the Kutai, on the banks of the Mahakam River, East Kalimantan around the 4th century AD. This fact is derived from the discovery of inscriptions Yupa. In the inscription Yupa did not mention the figure in the founding of the kingdom of Kutai, but the timing can be obtained by a comparison technique or techniques make use of comparisons. The letter contained the same letters the inscription Yupa in India in the 4th century AD. Since then the Hindu religion began to spread to different parts of the archipelago. In Java, the influence of Hinduism can be known with inscriptions describing the founding of the kingdom had a job that patterned Hinduism, including Tarumanegara kingdom, Mataram, Singosari, and Majapahit.
The growing influence of Buddhism Hinduism dab also indirectly affect cultural developments in various areas of the archipelago. In Hinduism known variety of the ceremonies of worship and various sacred objects. These are things that ultimately mix with the local culture that raises acculturation. One example of acculturation culture with local culture is Hindu temples. Rule-making temples in Indonesia is using the same rules as the rule-making temples in India, but the shape, relief models, and models adapted to the decoration on the temple culture of each region in Indonesia.
The influence of Hinduism and Buddhism are also very pronounced in the District Tulungagung. This is proven by the discovery of many relics of the Hindu and Buddhist in this area. Broadly speaking, the discovery of objects from the Hindu and Buddhist in Tulungagung can be grouped into two areas. The first region is the northern districts Tulungagung. In this region most of the objects found are patterned objects Hinduism, for example, is the discovery of Mirigambar temples, statues relating to the gods in the Hindu religion, as well as many found jaladwara. The second region is the southern districts Tulungagung. In this region most of the objects found are patterned objects Buddhism, for example, the discovery of Gayatri temple, Dadi temple, and temple Sanggrahan.
Tulungagung function of the temple in the district other than as a cemetery is a place of worship. God who 
was worshiped in Hinduism is Tri Murti. Tri Murti is the name for Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu. Dewa Siwa regarded as the god of melting and is the god who has the highest position in comparison with the other gods. Lord Shiva has animal mounts (rides) are called 'Nandi'. Therefore, in some temple used to worship a statue of Shiva, Nandi.
Statue of Nandi also been found d daeerah Tulungagung. The statue was found in the Village of Spring.
Nandi statue is probably a relic of the kingdom of Majapahit. This is because at about the 15th century AD Tulungagung District, who was then still called Ngrowo the territory of the Kingdom of Majapahit. Tulungagung that was once the domain of Majapahit lead in this area are found relics of Hindu-Buddhist. Heritage of Hindu culture spread across most of northern Tulungagung, whereas most of the relics of Buddhist culture spread in the southern Tulungagung.
Most people do not understand about the meaning Tulungagung statues of Hindu-Buddhist relic is. This causes the Tulungagung not know the importance of the objects. Remains, the remains were to be less well maintained. Society just consider it as something that is worthless. That's what led to the remains, the remains of the Hindu-Buddhist like Nandi statue was brought to the museum Tulungagung.