Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

In Heaven We'll met

Of King `bin 'Umar an-Nakha'iy, he said," In Kufa there was a handsome young man, very industrious and earnest worship. He also included one of his ascetic expert. At one point, he stopped some time in the township of Nukha 'then-accidentally-eye view of a young woman is flawless in their beautiful lovely nan. He was attracted to him and his mind was hovering about it. Apparently, the same experienced by the woman. This young man was then sent a messenger to apply for the woman to her father but her father told her that she had been betrothed to her uncle's son (cousin). This condition makes them so tormented and cut.
Then the woman sent messengers to the youth service experts contains a message, 'It's up to my ear about your love in me and that very temptation is so heavy with coverage for me I feel about you. If you wish, I will visit you or I facilitates the way for you to come to my house. 'Then he said to the delegates that, "Neither will I do. He then read his words, 'Behold, I am afraid of torture on a great day if the sinner to my Lord.' (Qs, az-Zumar: 13) I fear the fire whose tongue was never extinguished and jilatannya who never shut up. '
When the messenger returned to her, he then delivered what has been said the young man, then said to the woman,
'Even if I see him as such but it seems he also had a very ascetic, the fear of God? By Allah, no one who feels they have more right to this (fear of Allah) from others. Behold the servant in this case is the same. '
Then he left the glitzy world, throw away all the things associated with it, wearing clothes made of fur (to appear asceticism) and berkonsentari in worship. Nevertheless, he was still drifting and was emaciated because of his love for the young and compassion against him until finally he died of longing harbored extreme to him.
The handsome young man would often make pilgrimages to his grave. One night, he saw the woman in the dream as if in a very good appearance, and said to him, 'How are you and what you find after me.? "The woman replied,
The best of love, is love, O lover
The love that leads to good and do good
Then he asked, 'Where are you going to be.?' He replied,
To the enjoyment and endless life
Nan in heaven eternally, never owned an extinct
He said again to him, 'Remember, remember I'm there because I never forget you.' He replied, 'By Allah, I will so. I've begged my Lord, my Mawla and you, then He helped me over it with sincerity. "Then she turned that too. So I told him, 'When I can see you.?' He replied, 'You will come to us in the near future.'
Apparently true, the young man did not live long after the dream, only seven in the evening. And, after that, he was followed, passed away into Rahmatullah. May God have mercy on them.
(Source: Jannat al-An-Na'im Maw'id work of Ibrahim ibn 'Abdullah al-Hâzimy, ha.14-15, as the dinukilnya of another book entitled Man Syai Taraka `an Lillah' Awwadlahullâh Khairan minhu)