Gadung punden Jasmine is one that has been retained by the community of Batu,
especially the people residing in the village of Batu Banyuning. The building shows
the characteristics of Hindu buildings.
located in the city streets Banyuning This stone is one of the bercorakan
punden Hindu religion. It
can be seen from the form of a mnyerupai punden form a patterned temples Hindu.
Gadung Melati is a burial site that was allegedly mbah Gadung still had a
relationship with former Majapahit empire. According
to village elders Banyuning pack Gimo, mbah Gangung an envoy of the Majapahit
to build a village that is used as a resort village. The
village is named Banyuning have the meanings Banyu = water and jaundice / nodes
(in the Java language) = clear. There
are sources that used to be a place to meditate is now called by the name
ngesong. Before the arrival of Islam Banyuning majority of Hindu religion, it can be found with the remains of Hindu religious parents, but now many are living a few kilometers from the village Bayuning, yaoiu Junggo village. Hindu religion is pemujuaan Soekmono hundu by statues of the gods into a specially style of popular religious nature that arise after the Religious Buda, and is usually called the Hindu religion.
Masryarakat about punden now largely patterned Islamic religion and the existence of this Budget Gandung punden mbah relatively dipertahanselamatan deskan sustainability. This is evident from the punden hygiene. As in Figure 1. Although the majority Muslim community, they see themselves not to forget the existence of this punden, with the holding of the village of salvation that was held once a year and every Friday night legi jaranan art held in this place.
Respect for people's existence is still high punden and still show the influence of Hindu culture. With the growing period did not affect public confidence in the existence punden sometimes mystical and religious.