Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Life in the Village People Who Have Sudowayah Mental retardation and Physical

From the story of locals who do not have a physical or mental disorder, in the village Sidoharjo masyaraktnya have abnormalities due to inbreeding marriages between relatives are brothers who love each other, the relationship is opposed by local residents and eventually both sisters and even then expelled from his hometown and live in a mountains in the village Krebet.The two brothers make a family who has a child, but the child was born had a very strange disorder that is physically and mentally handicapped. From the beginning there was the people we need to consider the fate and life are in desperate need of help. In this case, the exact cause can be determined Sidoharjo have mental retardation due to inbreeding.Inbreeding (sexual relations conducted by an individual in a family with other family members, both father and child, mothers with children, grandparents with grandchildren, brother with sister) partially included into crime or sexual abuse, where sexual behavior can be persecution physical or non-physical, by people who are older or have a power that aims to satisfy the sexual desires culprit.All that happened till now we can not tackle with anything because in the body of a person who suffers from a physical or mental disorder have an abnormal gene, if there is a genetic mutation in the population, on-farm will tend to promote a more extensive mutation. Genetic diseases typical increase in breeding is a recessive genetic disease. Close relatives who are married may have a common ancestor that had a mutation recessive disease, but did not get any disease because they do not have a second mutation. Change the higher of the two is likely to be relatively close to the same mutation, and thus become "genetic carriers" for recessive diseases. If they produce children, children are much more likely to actually have the full version of recessive disease symptoms.According to most local people said the same story I assume that poverty is happening in this area is not a factor of malnutrition but occur because of heredity, and the disease will continue to decline to the children they gave birth and the disease can not be prevented. People judge this village due to malnutrition, which is always debated by everyone what when the news broke on television. This story never aired disalahsatu private tv but what the response taken off from reality, the population is said to be malnourished because people do not have a livelihood. That picture is in Bena society around us today.
The pattern of life is all a person's behavior in a region or community. The pattern of life in the village is very interesting Sidoharjo weeks to discuss because it has a good personality despite having mental retardation. Most of the residents of the village community Sidoharjo mental retardation resulting memiliiki they can not work like normal people. The impact of all of that resulted in their poor economy, to cover the shortfall in the economy, they plant vegetables in the front or side of their home and hsilnya to eat everyday. That way their lives can still be fought. From observations I studied every day they eat less nutritious foods, foods eaten every day is a rice tiwul. Tiwul rice is rice made from dried cassava puree and then cooked again like rice. That's every day food because they can not afford to buy rice for food every day. Although they were poor and physically handicapped and mentally but they have a sense of helping each other is very high, they are very dijunjung.Jumlah kinship population is approximately Sidoharjo are 200 people who have mental retardation that was still a lot of people who have mental retardation are not valid or recorded with certainty. They live in a remote mountain away from the hustle of the city, some are even living on the summit of the mountain. Residents whose homes were far above the mountains without electricity, so to illuminate their homes should be channeled from their neighbors who have rumsh Liran flow of electricity.
Judging from the pattern of life of the residents of the village of Sidoharjo have a sense of independence and have a very close kinship and upheld. Like when I was dating researching into this village, the people are very friendly and open attitude, as if responding well there is nothing covered, even merka not shy when being photographed and asked about the life they lead every day.
Life of concern in terms of social and economic aspects as well as mental retardation dibaliki still has an attitude of tolerance is so high and the need to maintain harmony in the preformance of kinship that exists of his ancestors to the weaknesses sekarang.dalam Sidoharjo never despair in life despite in a just a normal family but has a sense of responsibility in maintaining and caring for a family member who has a mental or physical disorder. In this case I have some pictures that I can take, I took this picture while before sunset because kauh area of ​​town and have to travel a great distance lama.lampiran 1, Appendix 2, Appendix 3, Appendix 4.
That was some evidence of how the residents of a small community in the backwardness Sidoharjo remember to Allah SWT. In taking this photo I did not encounter resistance, because people Sidoharjo happy if there are foreigners who visit the area. In a visit to the home of a resident who has a mental and physical retardation treated us very well. That is the hallmark of the community Sidoharjo always open to any person who come there.
Efforts that have been taken by the government so far has been quitetangggap, the government has done in areas of infrastructure improvement Sidoharjo village by building bridges and also build substation in each place. The government also held a variety of socialization such as health posts and outreach that has been repeatedly done.Of all the efforts made by the government was notshowed significant progress, it still remains as before. Many factors that cause knapa all government efforts yielded no results, factors, among others,1. Heredity2. Factors Thought, mental and spiritual3. Environmental factors or Territory
It is this factor that causes population Sidoharjo incapable.Heredity is one of the main causes of the progress of a population. Heredity factors for traits of a mother who gave birth, all sifaat and body will certainly pass to his son, begitujuga Sidoharjo population. If the mother suffers from a mental disorder or ayanya akam decreased in children because the genes that make the hybrid gene is recessive or dominant.This meant that people have mental retardation mupun Sidoharjo physical, caused by the descent that lasted until today.Factors Thought, Mental, and Psycho is a cause incapable Sidoharjo village. They are unable to develop because his thoughts are limited and unable to accept what was saidThe third factor is a Regional Environmental Factors or causes kemudnuran a village. Sidoharjo villages located far from the city center is situated in the mountains. To go through the village from the town center as far as 20 km westward Roxburgh, of the road is not so easy, before it got as far as 5 km Dessa Sidoharjo way to go is the form of MacAdam (the stone are arranged neatly covered ground) when the rain is dangerous riders who crossed the road because the road was slippery and muddy.According to (Sawitri Supardi: 2005) suggests other factors are:(1) The state of the pinch, where girls even become the main female figure who takes care of the family and household as a substitute mother.(2) Sexual difficulties in the elderly, fathers are not able to cope with sexual urges.(3) The inability of the father to seek sexual partners outside the house because kehutuhan to maintain the facade patriachat its stability properties.(4) The fear of family breakdown that allows multiple family members to better pick than a broken structural disintegration at all.(5) Sanctions veiled women who did not participate in the sexual demands of the role as a wife.(6) Monitoring and less educated parents because of busy people work for a living can loosen supervision by parents possible incest.(7) a normal teenager at the time they are teenagers sex drive is so high because of the impressions that evoke lust instinct also play a part in this.
In addition there are many other factors and still stout things that have not been unearthed in the village Sidoharjo it. Life lived very heavy and unimaginable hardship suffered more people in this village and only resigned to fate and always give thanks to Allah SWT.