Temple Size Surawana not too big, only 8 X 8 m2. The temple is entirely built using the andesite is a Shiva temple. Currently, the entire body and roof of the temple has been destroyed no trace. Only the foot of the temple at about 3 m are still erect in its place. To climb into the hall at the foot of the temple there is a narrow staircase located on the west side. Given the location of the stairs, it can be concluded that this temple facing west.
As contained in Rimbi Temple, Temple Surawana leg looks like a two-tiered, divided by a seam that stands out. The legs are located on the seam slightly indented so that the moisture content, size becomes smaller than the lower leg.
In contrast to that found in the temple Rimbi, relief panels that contain a variety of stories not only terjajar neatly around the bottom of the foot of the temple. Even the top of the foot of the temple filled with relief panels in a larger size and with a more delicate sculptures.
Relief in the lower leg Tantric tell stories, while at the top of the foot has a story of Sri Tanjung, Arjunawiwaha, as well as stories and Crow Bubuksah aking. Such stories were found in temples built for the purpose peruwatan, like Temple and Temple Bajangratu in Trowulan Tegawangi, located also in Pare.
Seeing the environment that has been arranged beautifully, the temple seems to have been undergoing refurbishment Surawana. However, the results are still far from perfect, given that currently only the legs were left temple. In the courtyard of the temple is still a lot of stones and statues that have not been restored into place before. The stones and statues are placed neatly on rows of the cement to prevent the damage by water infiltration.