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city government began to discharge Chronicle palihan villages is about
power sharing mataram area into two regions, namely the region of
Yogyakarta and Surakarta sultanate. The
emergence chronicle because the government led by the king of Mataram
Mataram and the new Third Sunan Pakubowono continued political policy in
favor of the Dutch East Indies government. Tensions
continued with the prolonged war between the Kingdom fully backed by
the VOC against Mangkubumi princes allied with Raden Mas Sahid.Apparently before it happens, has a lot of conflict between the royal family itself mataram. Starting
from the reigning king has prepared a replacement candidate, but after
the king died, the change does not occur smoothly. Many
factors that cause change does not occur smoothly, namely, the concept
of Javanese culture or revelation by revelation Cakraningrat palace is
still deeply rooted in the minds of the candidates to replace the
deceased king. In traditional Javanese society is determined by the legitimate ruler who has received revelation yag.Conflicts
that occur between the royal family Mataram create loopholes for VOCs
to make sneaky tactics to try to overthrow the legitimate ruler of the
Sunan Mas or Amangkurat III. Sunan
Mas which was finally defeated and exiled to Sri Lanka must let
tahhtanya the younger brother of Prince Puger Amangkurat II father of
Sunan Mas. After Prince Puger successfully staged a coup he was crowned as the Sunan Pakubuwono I. Assistance
resulted in the reduction of VOC Islamic Mataram territory should be
given to the local VOC Cirebon, Priangan, and the area east of Madura
(Dwiyanto, 2009; 7)Since VOC comes in Java, has dozens of times they made a contract agreement with the kingdom of Mataram. The agreement initially concerned only in the field of trade, which does not touch politics. But since the reign of Sunan Pakubuwono II VOC piecemeal meddle Kraton Mataram. With
the soul "can be bought" to borrow a phrase from Kustiniyati, VOC
managed to put the effects in the political kingdom of Mataram.Revolt
by Prince Raden Mas Said Mangkubumi and forced Pakubuwono II to the VOC
for help again, because at that time no Pakubuwono II defeated the
rebellion had succeeded in occupying the palace that is in Kartasura. For consideration in 1744 was moved from Kartasura to Kraton Surakarta area. But
the relief of VOCs must be redeemed by the permissibility of
intervention VOC Mataram future impact on the delivery of the VOC
Mataram region (Purwadi, 2006; 10).Pakubowono
Sunan that the illness is managed by the VOC forced to sign an
agreement which is in essence a "handover State Mataram 'cause
disappointment parties. One the one hand that it is disappointed the Prince Mangkubumi. With the disappointment of Prince Mangkubumi the greater rebellion waged. The rebellion consumes power and great power. Creating
political stability and governance chaotic and troubled kingdom disrupt
the economy, which resulted in a double debt interest in VOC.Open and guerrilla war between the two sides lasted for 6 years (1749-1755), the war resulted in many casualties on both sides. On February 13 1755 the agreement reached between the Sunan Pakubowono III with Prince Mangkubumi. The agreement was named the Chronicle palihan villages. Half
ruled by Susuhan Pakubowono III with capital Surakarta, the other
controlled by Susuhan Kebanaran which has since changed its title into
the lane I, with its capital Ngayogyakarta (Dwiyanto, 2009; 10-14).The division of the country as administraif also affect the growing culture. Surakarta Culture Yoggyakarta culture as if competing hard, which often creates disputes. Although
after the agreement Giyanti Prince Mangkubuni and Sunan Pakubuwono III
has a clear territory of VOC not influence wane but has intensified as
political provoke them have managed to reduce the power of Mataram.Prince
Mangkubumi officially became king of Yogyakarta with a degree Ngarsa
Sampeyan Dalem Dalem Ingkang Sinuwun Kanjeng lane Senopati Ing Ngalaga
Khalifatullah Ngabdurrahman Sayiddin Panatagama Ingkang Jumeneng Ing
Negari Ingkang Jumeneng sepisan Yogyakarta Sultanate. People generally are more familiar with the title lane I (Dwiyanto, 2009; 14).2.2 Kraton Yogyakarta Archaeological HeritageDuring each of the royal power would leave the archeological belonging ekofak, biofak, teknofak and others. Sultan Palace is a large kingdom with different attributes. From fashion to warfare equipment must have its own style shape. As a result the sublime culture certainly has a hidden wisdom and values.Culture is patterned art emerged from the palace consists of various types of architecture, dance, and literature. Arts-style
building on the palace architecture and layout and literary arts is
composed of fibers, Chronicle, keris, wayang, gamelan, spears, mosques
and gending mysticism. The
work produced by the reigning monarch and courtiers who are competent
in the field of art, but also often as well as an expert on Javanese
mysticism. The work produced in the form of the deity mysticism (Purwadi, 2003; 67).Culture comes first in the imperial dynasty was the founding Ngayogyakarta yogyakarta palace building. The building was established on October 7, 1756. Lane
I was an expert in building and layout, which must have into account
the strategic aspects of political, economic and defense, as in the
palace as the administrative center. So that requires a strategic location for survival.Or the capital city palace is not only a center of politics and culture, as well as the central malainkan magical kingdom. Since
the universe, which, according to Buddhist cosmology or brahman or
both, based in Mount Meru, the empire, in the form of a small universe,
must also have Mount Meru at the center of the city and the mountain
Meru as the center of magical. People Javanese royal capital as the country's call. Return of capital means the return of the country (purwadi, 2005; 45).Examples of strategic layout is on banguanan Taman Sari or waterkasteel. The building is located on the western side of the palace. At first glance of the shape appears to be merely as a place of rest and entertainment. But
after further observed "castles in the air" the only one on the island
of Java, will find it too small roads that penetrate underground to
weave several directions so that there is a broad penetrate into the
city. The building is jugadilengkapi with water and if the water line was closed the entire park will be turned into cider big lake.There are some opinions that explain that the building is influenced by the Portuguese. But the Portuguese style not found in it. But there was a dutch who denies that is about building a garden sari inside the palace truly original character of Java.Yogya palace building itself flanked by two square is the square lor and South. In times past, both the square has significance as a place penggemblengan soldiers and government palace. In place of the officer in training fighting, horseback riding, fighting and using weapons. So that the role can only be known in the art of building is known by experts only (Dwiyanto, 2009; 17-19)In
addition to the other buildings in the Kraton banguanan left is
masjid.masjid according to meaning is the place praying according to
Islamic rules (seokmono, 2008; 75).Lane I in addition to smart and reliable in the layout of the building is also artistic. Evidenced by the resulting culture, he changed the number of tools available to the court gamelan yogyakarta. In 1757 the lane I add to the Gamelan Bonang penembung. Furthermore Adi Pati Anom throne which replaces His father then got his lane II. He is pleased to make the gamelan pelog characterized by:• Kenong (attachment 1)• Sekar Dlema• Cluring kenong barrel nem (Appendix 2)• kreseg (made of leather scallions included in kreneng) (Dwiyanto, 2009; 20-21)In 1844 the lane V, adding Ricikan and demung saron to 8 to 4. Sultan also added some other instruments such as drums, violin, flute, and sexofon. The tools come from abroad coming together with the foreign invaders. Prince Mangkubumi sister lane VII, complete with bird gender gender successor.Kraton
has plenty of gamelan devices, but only Yiga a heritage that is to be
considered as gamelan, Monggang Gamelan, Gamelan Ngorek frogs, and
Gamelan Sekati. Gamelan is specialized in performances at royal ceremonies. Gamelan
is the work asliSri Monggang lane I first played the possible arrival
of Sri Susuhan Pakubuwono III, gamelan Frog Ngorek which literally means
frogs are singing, is gamelan from Surakarta Kasunanan submitted to the
sultanate of Yogyakarta, as mentioned in the Chronicle Giyanti .Keris
is ideofak that can be used for various functions according to
wikipedia keris is a dagger stabbing weapon class (pointy and sharp on
both sides) with many cultural functions are known in the western and
central archipelago. On
the use of the present, is more of a dagger accessory items (ageman) in
dressing, has a number of cultural symbols, or a collection of objects.
In the past dagger still functions as a weapon in a duel or war. Now
the function is increasing as a weapon that has aesthetic value and a
suggestion to the things that are irrational from kris (see annex III).In Kraton many famous masters kris experts who have created many piandel or keris as a weapon of the ruling monarch. Includes
dagger Kyai Joko Pitirun succession which is a symbol of royal power
that berkusasa absolute surrender to his successor before surud ing
kasedan teak. Keris Kyai Piturun Joko is one of four keris owned by a very famous Sultan Palace. The
kris is Kanjeng Kyai kopeks, Kanjeng Kyai Bethok, Kanjeng Sengkelat
Kyai and Kyai Kanjeng Joko Piturun according to the book Dwiyanto
Darsono (2009; 453)Besides Keris, weapons from Kraton Yogyakarta is spear. Spear
is a weapon for hunting and fighting, part consists of a stick as a
handle or spear heads and eyes are sharp and sometimes hardened with
other materials. Kraton
famous spear is a spear Kanjeng Kyai Plered (see Annex IV), New Kyai
Kanjeng, Kanjeng Kyai Megatruh, Kanjeng Gadatapan Kyai and Kyai Kanjeng
Gadawedana but the famous Palin is Kanjeng Kyai Plered Dwiyanto (2009;
453)Literature is the written works of the poets and even the king's court ruling. Literary works palace is Fiber, Suluk, wirid, Song, and the Chronicle. Fiber is the law contains writings, advice-advice and governance rules in religious ceremonies. Suluk literature contains only religion. Dhikr or wird is a constant prayer recited on a certain count. Song is a song that contains stories, advice religions contain elements misti. Chronicle is a story of the history of a great event.Other cultures developed by Kraton Yogyakarta is the art of dance. Dance has been created since the leadership of Sri Sultan Buwana I. The nature of the dance is Mangkubumi as a formidable warrior. Situai
during the making of the dance lata also relates to the situation of an
independent kingdom, which is also a lot of foreign threats. The dance works is, Beksa Lawung, Sekar Beksa Medura, Beksa Puppet, Beksa shield, and Wayang Wong.Find
a Menak Princess Rengganis Widaninggar nerupakan an excerpt from the
wayang wong dance technique is the personification of the puppet show,
which was created by walnya Sri Sultan HB IX. Source
of the story rests on the fibers brought stunning, the story of Amnir
Ambyah, more popular by the name of Amir Hamzah, a story about the
spread of Islam yanmg reflected in the dance movements. Rengganis
Goddess of the country faced an opponent with Dewi Koparman Widaninggar
of Tartaripura, demanding Bals death of his brother by the name of
Goddess Adaninggar. In this battle proudly each rose bird Garuda, however, the advantage is on the goddess Rengganis.Find a Dance is a form of dance genre which was originally developed outside of keratin. Since
the reign of Sri Sultan HB VIII, mobility culture encourages this
puppet dance entered the palace, so that the form of expression also
contains color truktur keistanaan Buday. If
the doll originally expressed in a variety of improvisation 'naughty,
teasing that fill iringannya working on, has now been arranged in the
form of an even' erotic ', but the culture of soft palace remained
influential in the formation of expression in her choreography. Name
puppet dance is usually tailored to the piece iringannya, among other
lanbangsari puppet, puppet Gambirsawit, Golek asmaradana, Golek Tenyep,
Golek Montro, Golek Surengrana, and so on.Klana
Mask Gallant, which is based on the story reveal about prabu Klana
banner Suryawasesa who are in love with the goddess Sekartaji.Begitu so
much love always fantasize and imagine as if Goddess Sekartaji be
dihadapnnya. Love can sometimes bring oblivious to what faced the realitySekar Pudyastuti is a welcome dance as regards respect, welcome greetings, and a variety of greetings to the guests who come. Anoman
ambassador, a small fragment of an excerpt from the story of the epic
Ramayana, about Anoman Ramawijaya sent by the King to meet Goddess Sita
who was abducted by King Ravana of Lanka kingdom. Untukmenguji loyalty to King Rama Sinta Dewi, diberikanlah ring of King Rama through Anoman for Dewi Sinta is always accompanied
Beksan Anoman Yaksadewa is an excerpt from the wayang wong derived from the epic story of Ramayana. When
Anoman sent see Dewi Sinta, Anoman managed to damage the park Soka and
ravaged the kingdom of Lanka, so Anoman have to deal with the son of the
king of Lanka named Yaksadewa. Thanks to the magic Anoman Yaksadewa beat to deathBeksan
Pethilan Gathutkaca Suteja an excerpt from the story of wayang wong
genre epic Mahabharata in the play Suteja Ask Father. Both
figures are equally mighty not know each other, to finally get a good
clue, no longer fighting position to get Wakyu 'Senopati' but can
forgive each other and they can understand that it is still berasudara
because both are included in the large family relatives Pandavas, Gatutkaca is the son of Bhima and Krishna is the son Suteja already kepanjingan soul Vishnu. Blessed are they, so Suteja could find who the real father.Missing Sprott is a fragment taken from the Ramayana epic story. When
Dewi Sinta kidnapped and carried off by Ravana, in the middle of a trip
to meet with Jathayu, but despite losing the fight Ravana, had reported
the presence of the King Rama Sinta Dewi as a sign of loyalty to Rama
Gathutkaca Pregiwa is an amorous encounter between Raden Gathutkaca and
Goddess Pregiwa very romantic, an excerpt scene of wayang wong Genre
court Ngayogyakarta derived from the story of the epic Mahabharata.Klana
King / Klana dashing romantic scenes is passage of the wayang wong, one
of a genre of dance at the Palace Ngayogyakarta, describes a king who
falls in love with a princess dreams expressed in the character and the
type of stout. In
her dance expressions portray a young king who is raging spirit and
fire of his love, so Mersa should always be perfect, both outwardly and
Alus whch is a romantic scene of wayang wong, one of a genre of dance
at the Palace Ngayogyakarta, depicting a king that is expressed in the
character and type of smooth dance. A
king is a wise and prudent, in the Agungbinataraannya falls in love
with a heart princess dream, of course, will influence the pursuit of
his love to all corners of the world associated with oversized power. Some figures are usually expressed king Dasalengkara King, King Jungkungmardeya, King Sri SuwelaBeksan
Lawung Ageng or Lawung Gallant is one bentu genre called wiring or
beksan herd very heroic, in the spirit of its creator as the founder of
the Prince Sultan Mangkubumi Ngayogyakarta struggling with a persistent
and militant. Besides
this ageng Lawung almost always present in a grand wedding ceremony
Kraton Ngayogyakarta as a fertility rite which symbolically into the
teachings that accompany the journey of life in the beginning of a new
life ark cover (Dwiyanto; 2009) (Rama; 2007).Aspects of culture that emerged and growing rapidly is the culture associated with the religious system. The system was also adopted from the Hindu-Buddhist religious system that had evolved. Kraton
Yogyakarta Culture is evolving since its establishment in the kingdom
of Mataram, but also after the Chronicle Giyanti undergone many changes
and developments. Due to several factors that exist in the Sultanate government and Kasunanan.Aspects are often referred to as Java or Javanese religious system. The system adopts the system of Hindu-Buddhist and Islamic aspects of the procedure and a bit on the spiritual aspect. The
Javanese believe that God is the center of the universe and the center
of all life because before everything happens in this world is God's
first time there. God
not only created the universe and its contents but also acts as a
regulator, because everything is moving according to plan and with the
permission and His will.Central
question in this sense is a source that can provide livelihood, balance
and stability, which can also give life and connecting with people the
world over. The
views of the Javanese is commonly referred Manunggaling Lan Gusti
subjects, namely the view that assumes that human moral obligation is to
achieve harmony with the strength and the unity of last last, the man
handed himself as the servant of the Gustinya.The
mountain peaks in Javanese culture is considered a high place and
closest to the world above, as at first believed that the spirits of
ancestors living in the mountains. Most
of the people of Java included in the class who has tried mixing some
concepts and ways of thinking of Islam, with the original view of the
natural world (this world) and the nature of supernatural (occult or
supernatural).Outlook on life is an abstraction from life experience. Outlook on life is a mental adjustment from life experiences can then develop an attitude towards life. Javanese
worldview characteristic of reality that leads to the formation of the
unity between the numinous real nature, society and nature are
considered sacred supernatural. Nature is an expression of power that determines life. The Javanese believe that their lives have no line, they just run its course (Soenarko, 2007; 132).Basic
Java or Javanism confidence is the belief that everything that exists
in this world is essentially one, or a unity of life. Javanism view of human life is always closely adrift in the cosmos of the universe. Thus human life is a journey filled with religious experiences.Java formulate the minds of human life in two cosmos (nature) is the macrocosm and the microcosm. Understand also what we might call the philosophy of Java, which is mixed with religion in the religion of Islam. Religion Islam itself does not know the system Macrocosm and Microcosm. Macrocosm
in Javanese thought the attitude and outlook on life in the universe,
which contains supernatural powers (supernatural). The
main goal in life is to find and create harmony or balance between the
macrocosm and the microcosm of life (Purwadi, 2003; 89).In the center of the macrocosm of the universe is God. The
universe has a hierarchy devoted to the natural level and the level of
life more perfect world (the world over - the human world - the world
below). The universe consists of four main directions plus a center that unites God and give balance.Attitudes
and views of the real world (the microcosm) is reflected in the lives
of humans and their environment, the structure of human society,
governance of everyday human life and everything that appears to the
eye. In the face of human life that is good and right in this world depends on the strength of mind and soul.For
the Javanese past, the center of this world was the leader or the king
and kingdom, God is the center of the macrocosm, while the king is
considered the embodiment representative of God on earth, so that in him
there is a balance of these two forces of nature. So
the king is seen as a community center in the world as the king's
representative microcosm of the Lord as the residence of the king's
palace. Kraton
is a royal and sacred center bersemayamnya king because rajapun
considered a source of cosmic forces flowing into the sovereignty and
bring peace, justice and the fertility of the region.It
is the above overview of the nature of mind and attitude and outlook on
life that is owned by the Javanese in the kingdom era. The mind has been deeply rooted philosophy and the foundation of all that is in the order of realization of Javanese life.Jogjakarta court figures who spread many Javanese ideology embraced by the public is Notoroto RP. He was the court poet Sultanate of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan lived during Hamengku Buwana V. The work he is:a. fiber bayanullahb. musyawaratan the trusteesc. kridha deer Martanad. fiber purwakanthiAll of them are religious magic that we often call the servant Manunggaling understand Gusti (purwadi, 2003; 156).