Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

Candi Kidal

Left temple located in the village Rejokidal, Overlapping District, Malang regency, precisely about 20 km to the east of the city of Malang. This temple can be said to be the oldest temple worship in East Java, because of Airlangga (11-12 M) of the Kingdom of Kahuripan and the kings of the kingdom of Kediri (12-13 M) just left temple and Jalatunda Hemisphere which is petirtaan or baths.

Left temple built in 1248 AD, after the funeral 'Cradha' for the King of the Kingdom of Singasari Anusapati. The development objective of this temple is to mendarmakan Anusapati king, so the king may get the glory as Shiva Mahadeva. Built in the transition from the golden age rule kingdoms in Central Java to East Java kingdoms, the temple can be seen Left mix style temples temples in Central Java and East Java. Some experts even called Left Temple as a prototype Java Timuran temple.

The temple building is made entirely of andesite and vertical geometric dimension. All around the temple courtyard there is a stone structure that serves as a fence. The temple sits on shelf (foot temple) at about 2 m. To reach the foot of the temple hall on the second floor is a stone staircase right in front of the door. Interestingly, the steps made ​​thin, so that from a distance look like a real entrance stairs. The stone is not equipped cheek ukel shaped stairs, as found in many other temples, but on either side there are the first rung badug (low wall) elbow-shaped side and partially cover the front side of the foot of the stairs. Badug this kind does not exist in other temples.
Temple door facing west, equipped with the viewer by kalamakara decoration (Kala head) above the threshold. Scorpion headdress that looks creepy with his eyes bug out a full, open mouth and two large canine and bent, the dominant effect. The existence of two canine is also a special feature of the temple East Java. Left corner and right there with the finger mudra (gesture) threatening, so be complete horror effects that should be owned by makhkuk holy temple caretaker. On the left and right door there is a small niche place to put a statue comes with a form of the roof above it. Above this threshold the grooves or recesses, there are also decorative kalamakara.
Left temple roof berebentuk three tiered boxes, getting to the top smaller. The climax is not tapered, square but with a surface that is wide enough. Peak of the roof is not decorated with ratna or stupa, but rather flat. Around the edge of each layer is decorated with carved flowers and tendrils. It is said that once in every corner of the temple roof coating installed a small diamond. Around the foot of the temple is decorated with carved medallion patterned lining interspersed floral frame and tendrils. On the left and right of the base of the stairs and in every corner of the projects out there are animal sculptures that look like a lion in a sitting position like a man with one arm raised up. These sculptures look like he was supporting the seam above the temple's foot sticking out of the hall.

The temple can be said to be slim, so the hall at the foot of the temple is quite wide. In the temple there is a room that is not too broad. Currently the room is empty. The temple walls are also decorated with sculptured medallion motif. On the wall on the side and rear there is a niche to hold a statue. Niches are also equipped with a form of 'roof and ornate kalamakara above the threshold. None of the statues that can still be found in temple Left. It is said that the beautiful statue of Shiva, which is now kept in the museum of Leiden, first comes from Candi Left.
Relief first describe an eagle carrying three large snakes, second relief depicts an eagle with a jug over his head, and a third relief eagle holding a woman. Among the three reliefs, second relief is the most beautiful and intact.
Myth Garudheya
Myth Garudheya life in ancient Javanese society, especially those influenced by Hinduism. This myth tells of the struggle of a boy to free his mother from suffering. Once upon a time in a monastery, there lived a sage named Rishi Kasyapa with two of his wives, and Dewi Dewi Winata Kadru. Although the second wife of the sage siblings, but the rivalry between the two hard to get more attention from her husband. Therefore, they feel uneasy when they were also blessed with a son.
One day, Dewi Winata arrival of a god who presented the egg to him. Dewa Dewi Winata was advised that maintain good egg to hatch later time and care for creatures that come out of the egg. The Goddess then store the eggs in a hidden place. At the same time turned out to Goddess Kadru also experienced the same thing. Once the time comes, the egg is given to Goddess Winata of the eggs hatch and the exit of a baby bird. Meanwhile, the eggs hatch also belongs Goddess Kadru and from inside out a few snakes. Both women were caring for their adopted children well. Goddess foster child grow into an eagle Winata named Garudheya, while children grow up to be a dragon goddess Kadru.
Although each one has had a foster child, the rivalry between the two women did not subside. One day, Goddess Kadru defraud his brother in a bet, and he won the bet. Goddess Winata the loser has to be slaves Kadru Goddess and her children. Garudheya very sad to see her suffering. As adults, Garudheya trying to find a way to free her from slavery. Garudheya finally managed to get the information that she would be free from the bonds of the agreement with the ransom tirta amerta (water of life) saved in heaven and is maintained by Lord Vishnu. After some struggle, Garudheya managed to get permission from Lord Vishnu to take tirta amerta necessary to meruwat (liberate from suffering) mother with the condition that he should be the mount of Lord Vishnu.