Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

Candi Singasari

The temple is situated in the village temple Singasari Renggo, Singosari, Malang regency, about 9 km from the city of Malang to Surabaya direction. The temple is also known as the Temple or the Temple Dome Tower, a name that suggests that the temple Singasari is the highest temple of its time, at least compared to other temples around it. However, at this time in the Singasari Singasari only remaining temple, while the other temples have vanished without trace.
When exactly temple founded Singasari still unknown, but experts estimate the ancient temple was built around 1300 AD, as a tribute to honor the King Kertanegara of Singasari. There are two temples in East Java, which was built to commemorate King Kertanegara, namely Jawi Temple and Temple Singasari. As Candi Jawi Temple Singasari also a Shiva temple. This is evident from the existence of several statues of Shiva in the temple.
Singasari temple building located in the center of the page. The temple sits on the shelf foot about 1.5 m tall, unadorned or relief at the foot of the temple. The stairs up to the lobby at the foot of the temple is not flanked by a staircase with ornate makara cheek as there are other temples. The entrance to the temple in the middle of the room facing south, located on the front side chamber viewer (small booth jutting forward). The entrance looks simple without a frame decorated with carvings. Above the threshold there is a sculptured head of Kala is also very simple carvings. The existence of several sculptures and reliefs are very simple suggests that the construction of the temple Singasari not been fully resolved.
On the left and right door cubicle door, a little to the rear, there is a niche where the statue. Threshold niches also rimless and Kala headdress. Similar niches are on the other three sides of the body temple Singasari. Size larger niches, features a walk-viewer and above the threshold there is a simple headdress Kala. In the middle of the main room there is a yoni that have been damaged at the top. At the foot of the yoni also does not have any sculpture.

At first glance the building looks as tiered temple Singasari two, because the bottom of the rectangular temple roof, resembling a small room with niches on each side. It seems that the original niches contain statues, however Together they currently empty. On top of each threshold 'door' niches are carved headdresses Kala with a more complicated compared to those in the threshold of the entrance and a niche in the temple. Peak of the roof itself shaped tiered meru, growing up smaller. Some seemed to have collapsed the roof peak.

Candi Singasari been restored by the Dutch government in the 1930's, the invisibility of note at the foot of the temple sculptures. However, it seems that the restoration is done the result is not yet complete, because the temple was lined up around the yard a pile of stones that have not been restored to its original position.
In the temple courtyard there are some sculptures Singasari the majority in damaged condition or is under construction, of which Syiwa sculpture in various positions and sizes, Durga, and cow Nandini.

Approximately 300 m to the west of Temple Singasari, after going through the jam-packed retreat, there are two sculptures Dwarapala, giant gate keepers, in very large measure. Each weighing reputedly sculptures weigh 40 tons, the height reached 3.7 m, while the largest body circles reach 3.8 m. Place the second statue to separate around 20 m (now separated by road).

According Dual Cahyono, archaeologists from the State University of Malang (UM), the second sculpture Dwarapala again facing towards the east, ie towards Singasari Temple, but this sculpture on the south side of the face has changed somewhat to the northeast. Shift towards the adoption of the current occurs in the soil. Until the late 1980s the statue was on the south side is still embedded in the ground until limited by the chest. At the back of the sculpture is in the south of the ruins of the building look like a wall of stone. This sculpture is the second unexpected guardian gateway to the King's palace Kertanagara (1268-1292) that is located on the west side (backed) second statue.
Dynasty legend around Singasari
Some temples in East Java, especially those located around the city of Malang, a close historical links with the Government Singasari. Singasari dynasty were descendants of the second husband Ken Dedes, stump Ametung akuwu (sub-district head single rule) Tumapel and Ken Arok, the people most of the killing, took power, and thus seize the stump Ametung wife.
History Singasari Government bore the legend of the master craftsman made kris Gandring very popular among East Java. According to legend, Ken Arok was the son of a woman's affair results Panawijen village, named Ken Endog, with a male deity Brahma. Shortly after birth, babies Ken Arok abandoned by his mother at a cemetery, then found and brought home by a thief transcendent. From this foster father Ken Arok learn about the interrogation tactics and gambling, theft and break-in. As adults it is known as a highly feared marauder Tumapel region. At any time, Ken Arok met a Brahmin named Lohgawe who advised him to leave his world of black. At the instigation Lohgawe, Ken Arok last stop being marauder Tumapel devoted themselves as patriots.
At the time being in Tumapel akuwu, Government of Kediri region, is Ametung stump. Sang Akuwu marry Ken Dedes, the daughter of master craftsman who lived in Panawijen prototype. From marriage is born a son named Brahmana. One day, Ken Dedes Panawijen to pop back to his father. When Ken Dedes dropped off by the government, which revealed the strong winds blow the bottom of the fabric length. At that time, Ken Arok manning the car Ken Dedes could see glimpses of the calves wife Ametung stump. In the eyes of Ken Arok, calves Ken Dedes emit a blinding light. The sight did not want to disappear from the minds of Ken Arok. He then asks it to Mpu prototype. Explained that the master craftsman Ken Arok rays seen a sign that Ken Dedes as a woman destined to be down the kings of the island of Java.
Ken Arok then order a keris to a master craftsman in Tumapel named Mpu Gandring. To make a reliable keampuhannya keris, it may take quite a while to forge, develop and carry out the necessary rituals. Because the ordered kris never finished, Ken Arok became very angry. They seize the unfinished kris then menikamkannya to the body manufacturer. By the term, master craftsman Ken Arok Gandring condemn that too will die at the end of the same kris and kris will ask the victim seven lives.
Keris is made Mpu Gandring by Ken Arok lent to a friend who has a character like showing off, that Kebo Ijo. Kebo Ijo to showcase kris prajuritnya friends and said that was his kris. Once people know kris belongs as belonging to Kebo Ijo, Ken Arok then steal it and use it to stab Ametung stump. By itself counts fall to kebo Ijo, while Ken Arok successfully replace Ametung stump position as akuwu and married Ken Dedes.
Once you have successfully become akuwu, Ken Arok then conquer the Kediri, which by that time was ruled by the King of the time was ruled by King Kertajaya (1191-1222), and set up the Kingdom Singasari. It crowned himself as king with the title of the first Singasari Rajasa Amurwabhumi Bathara Sang. From Ken Dedes, Ken Arok berputra one, named Mahisa Wongateleng, whereas from Ken Umang it also get a son named Tohjaya. Gandring Mpu curse from happening. Ken Arok killed and replaced by the position of Transportation. Transportation was killed and replaced by Tohjaya position. Tohjaya killed and replaced by Ranggawuni, the son of Transportation. Ranggawuni then crowned with the title of king and ruled Singasari Jayawisnuwardhana from the year 1227 to 1268. Jayawisnuwardhana succeeded by his son, who was called Kertanagara Dolog Joko (1268-1292).
Kertanagara is King Singasari last. His reign was overthrown by King Kediri, Jayakatwang. However Jayakatwang successfully defeated by the son-in-law named Raden Wijaya Kertanagara. Raden Wijaya, who are descendants Mahisa Wongateleng and King Udayana in Bali Majapahit kingdom was then set up with central government in Drag (Trowulan).