Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

Candi Panataran

Panataran Temple located in southwestern slopes of Mount Kelud, about 12 km to the north of the city of Blitar, precisely in the Village Panataran, Ngleggok District, Municipality Blitar. This temple is a collection of old buildings that lined the west-northwest to east and then continues to the southeast, occupying an area of ​​12,946 m2.
Cluster Panataran temple was rediscovered in 1815 by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles (1781-1826), Lieutenant Governor-General of the British colonial government in power in the archipelago at that time. Together with Dr. Horsfield a physicist, Raffles Panataran a visit to the temple. Having rediscovered by Raffles, the researchers began to arrive to conduct the investigation and recording of archaeological objects in the Panataran. In 1867, Andre de la Porte with J. Knebel also conducts research on the temple area Panataran. Research results were published in 1900 under the title "De ruines van Panataran".
In the book Negarakertagama, Temple Upgrading called by the name of Temple Palah. It is told that King Hayam Wuruk (1350 - 1389 AD) of the Majapahit frequently visited Palah to worship Hyang Acalapati, otherwise known as Girindra (meaning king of the mountain) in the trust Shiva. Therefore, it is clear that the temple Palah deliberately built in the area with the background Kelud, because it is intended as a place to worship the mountain. The cult of Kelud aims to ward off the danger and avoid disaster that can be caused by the volcano.
According to the inscription on a stone which lies south side of the main building, believed that the temple was built in the early Palah 12th century AD, on the orders of King Srengga of Kediri. However, Temple Panataran steadily through the development and improvement, and even after, the reign of King Hayam Wuruk. This assumption is based on a variety of figures in a written at various places in this temple which ranged from in 1197 to in 1454 AD Panataran all areas, except for pages that are in the southeast, divided by two lines of the transverse wall from north to south into three parts.
a. Gate
Gates into the temple area located on the west side. From the entrance there are stairs down to the courtyard area of ​​about 6 m2. In the courtyard there are two giant statues guard the entrance (Dwarapala), the saucer statue lettering in 1242 Saka (1320 AD) in ancient Javanese script. Based on figures for the writing experts suspect that the temple was inaugurated as the new Panataran shrine royal property (state temple) in the reign of King Jayanegara, Majapahit who ruled in 1309-1328 AD
On the back side of the patio, in between two statues Dwaraphala, there are stairs leading to the front yard. At the top there are still remnants of gate material red brick. The gate is still mentioned by Jonathan Rigg Panataran during a visit to the temple in 1848.

Structure Panataran Temple is interesting because the location of buildings to each other face to face, lined up from front to back, so that at first glance seem a bit confusing. The composition of this kind of building is similar to the arrangement of temples in Bali. In this arrangement, the most sacred buildings in the courts located at the rear or at least, that is the closest to the mountain.

b. court of Home

Bale Agung. In the front yard there are about 6 pieces of the former building, 2 of which can not be recognized by the original form. One of the important buildings Bale Agung, located on the northwest side of the front yard, indented slightly to the west (to the front). Bale Agung, according NJKrom, used for meetings where the priests or markers, such as the temple in Bali. Bale Agung is a building shaped like a rectangular platform measuring 37 X 18.84 m2 with a floor as high as 1.44 meters. The walls and roof of the building was no trace. Only the floors are still intact.
On the floor there are some stone umpak functions previously estimated is as wooden beams converging cantilever roof. The entire floor is made of stone, decorated with dragon sculpture that wind around the wall of the floor and his head pops up in every corner of the floor.

In the middle of each side of the stairway flanked by two statues of Mahakala. All Mahakala statue still in place except those on the east side.
Housing minister. The building is located on the north side, parallel to the Bale Agung, is expected to be used as a residence formerly pastor. The whole building has been destroyed, so just stay the order of the remaining pedestals.

Batur Pendapa. The building is also called Batur Pendapa. It is located in the southeast Bale Agung, just behind the residence of the priest. As with Bale Agung, which is currently only remaining floors of the building is made of stone, measuring 29.05 x 9.22 m2 with a height of 1.5 m. Floor around the walls are decorated with reliefs stories. Presumably this Pendapa Batur building formerly serves as a place to put offerings in religious ceremonies.
The steps up to the floor The income is only available on the western side or the front. There are two steps, on the left and on the right, which each flanked by a pair of small winged monster sculpture, focusing on one knee and one hand on his rod. Cheek or firewall loop-shaped staircase with decorative Tumpal 'beautiful in its heyday. On the east side of the seam floor wall, hidden between sculptured ornaments and foliage, there are sculptured figures of which show that the building was constructed in the year 1297 Saka or 1375 AD.
The income Batur is also decorated with a sculptured dragons back to back, wind in sekililing floor wall. Second tail of the dragon back to back inter-twine, while his head that looked up, wearing a necklace and tasseled pops up between the pillars of the building.
Other building. Second former others just stay foundation made of red brick. See umpak many miles left in the front yard, there are first suspected buildings that use wood poles as we found in Bali illusive. Many buildings that use wood poles is not known with certainty.
c. Center court
About 8 m in the east or back Batur The income a former brick wall horizontally from north to south, which limit front yard with central courtyard. At the southern end of the border, the line of the front gate, there is a container in front of the gate which is guarded by a pair of Arca Dwarapala in a smaller size than is available at the front gate. On mat one of figure sculpture set in 1214 Saka (1319 M). Not known what events associated with this year's figure. In this central courtyard is reflected around seven former, both made of red brick or stone material made from andesite. Of the seven former building six of them are not recognizable shape.
Two other central court divided by a longitudinal wall of the east-west direction. Is unknown whether this central courtyard surrounded by a wall first, because that left only the foundation only. Similarly, the wall that surrounds the entire areal Panataran already collapsed. Perimeter walls and partition walls made of red brick that is not able to survive in the long passage of time.
Candi year figures. The building is approximately 20 m. The income Batur east, made entirely of andesite stone. Figures quoted Temple Year of buildings on the verge of the entrance is well entrenched figure in 1291 Saka (1369 M). More local communities recognize the references Brawijaya Temple, because this building used as a symbol Kodam Brawijaya. Some people call this Ganesha temple, because in the room of the temple there is a statue of Ganesha (the elephant-headed god). Candi shape figure this year is very known in the society, so that seemed to represent the whole temple Panataran.

Candi year's figures facing to the west, because the door is located on the west side of the temple. On the front page, in the left and right of the temple, there is a sculpture. Foot of the temple is quite high, up the stairs to reach the door made of stone stairs cheek shaped ukel '(loop) large decorative Tumpal' flowers in the form of an isosceles triangle arrangement. In the body, there is room (garba Grha), in which there is a statue of Ganesha.
As other temples, above doorways there kalamakara decoration. Exactly underneath, shown in the figures above mentioned. On the other side of the wall in the third that resembles a hollow dummy door, which is also decorated with kalamakara on it. In East Java, Kalamakara often referred Banaspati which means forest king. Kala above doorways and niches temple meant to scare away evil spirits that dare not enter the temple within.
Roof temple filled with vibrant decor, with a square-shaped peak. In the top room of the temple on the stone mulch available relief 'Surya', ie a circle surrounded by rays form composite vertical lines forming some isosceles triangles. Relief 'Surya' is a symbol of the Majapahit Kingdom also found in several other temples in East Java with a slightly varied form.
Dragon Temple. The building is in quotes because the Dragon Temple around her wound by sculptured shape of a dragon. The temple of 4.83 X 6.57 m. with 4.70 m high. It is also situated in the middle of the court. The entire building is made of andesite stone. As Figures Year temple, the entrance to the temple room is located on the west side. Temple foot high enough to reach the door to create a ladder. Cheek ladder shaped ukel 'beauties' Tumpal'. On the right of the left foot of the stairs there is a statue of the monster had his rod now only one. An existing building is the result of restoration of 1917-1918. Which has been restored to its original form only part of the legs and the body temple. The possibility eaves made of durable materials that are not collapsed.

On the wall of the temple body sculpture stands nine figures on the left and right entrance, at every corner, and the other walls in the middle third. Plan this figure is described in the luxury and haute government grounded by 'Prabha' (where the dependent dihisasi with divine rays).

One one hand on his bell, and the other hand to sustain the body dragon circling the top of the building. Among the sculptured figures are patterned circle sculpture called 'medallion motif'. In the circle there is a combination of relief foliage or flowers and a variety of animals. Between the circles is there relief animal stories in a smaller size. Love story depicted in this relief not be disclosed.
According to people who have previously visited Bali Panataran, functions similar to the functions of the Dragon Temple Kehen Pura in Bali, which is as a repository of objects belonging to the gods. Perhaps more accurate when compared to the Dragon Temple Pura Taman Sari which is located in Klungkung regency. Pura was found in 1975 showed a close relationship with Majapahit. Besides functioning as a place of worship Kingdom of Klungkung, Pura Taman Sari also be used as a 'pemasupatian' (of supernatural power) of heirloom weapons brought from the kingdom of Majapahit. When the comparison is justified, then the function of the Dragon Temple not only to keep things belong ceremony of the gods, but also as a 'pemasupatian' inheritance belongs to the Majapahit. Thus, for the needs of the 'pemasupatian', Majapahit inheritances should not be brought to Bali.
d. In court
The last page is in the back yard is also limited by a transverse wall north-south direction. In the south is also a former gate guarded by a pair of dwarapala sculpture. In this court there are at least nine buildings, two of which are already known is a temple master and body building experimental arrangement. Seventh other inhabits the ruins of buildings that have yet terungkapkan form and function.

Main Temple (Master). Main temple is the largest building in the entire building Panataran. Location of the building located in the rear yard (east), which is regarded as a sacred part. Building of the temple consists of three composite core with a whole 7.19 m high.

The first thrust of a square with a diameter of 30.06 meters for the east-west direction. In the middle of the fourth side of the bay there is about 3 m. For up to the first core, there are two steps to the left and right side of the west. On each side there is a statue dwarapala second staircase which sculpted figures tatakannya Saka year 1269 (1347 M). During the first core wall relief sculpture filled story.

Second core size smaller than the first core, because at the bottom of the bay in the first thrust thus slightly jutted into the second core. Size difference between the first core and the second core forming core Selasar first floor, allowing people walk around the building and watch the scenes depicted in the story that is carved in relief along the wall. On the wall in the first and second rows core panil sculpture and Ramayana story and Krisnayana interspersed with decorative medallion motif.
At the core of the second there is a ladder up which lies almost in the middle of the wall. Stairs go up this ladder are connected with the third core.

The third thrust is almost square shaped. Berpahatkan walls winged dragon with the head slightly forward and looked back legs winged lion in the squat position while the front legs lifted up. Sculpture-sculpture on the third core wall apart to fill the empty field also serves as a pillar of the building.
Performed during the third core floor demolition, in order to restoration, it was found that the center of the floor is made of red brick. Apparent sketch a square-shaped building with four sections that jut forward. Based on these findings, there presuming that the original building Panataran temple made of red brick. In the next period of time by means of expansion Panataran experience covering the original building using andesite stone. The expansion to occur at the time of Majapahit.
The third thrust is empty emperan. Should stand in the place of the temple body which until now has not been restored to its original existence as they have all the building works were found. Some of the master of the temple body was arranged in an experiment at the temple site.

Palah inscription. In the south of the main temple still stood a stone inscription. Tracing the large size stone inscriptions, experts suspect since the stone was located in the place.
Inscription written in the Old Javanese numerical in 1119 Saka (1197 AD), made by order of the King of the Kingdom of Kediri Srengga. Fill inscriptions, among others, mentioned the dedication of land for the benefit of Sira Paduka perdikan Batara Palah, underlying expectation that the other does not Palah is Candi Panataran. Suppose it is true that Palah is Candi Panataran, then age Panataran Candi has reached at least 250 years and the development of this temple suffered a long journey, that from the year 1197, the ancient kingdom of Kediri, until the year 1454, the ancient kingdom of Majapahit. Almost all of the buildings that can still be seen today comes from the reign of the kings of Majapahit. Perhaps the buildings older (from age Kediri) has long collapsed.

e. Other buildings.
There are still two other buildings that is located outside the remaining acreage Panataran relationship with Panataran temple, which is a numerical pool in 1337 Saka (1415 AD), located in the southeast and a pond 'petirtaan' (bath) in the measurement quite large, which is located about 200 meters north-east of the temple acreage.